"Informed" or Reformed? A Sub-Text of the PCA Strategic Report?

Of course Reformed Christians want to be well informed but PCA church planter Martin Hedman has been writing some of the most thoughtful and incisive commentaries about the PCA strategic plan. Recently he commented, …it seems more and more that I am . . . Continue reading →

NTJ 14.2 (Spring 2010) Out Now: On the PCA's Strategic Plan

The latest issue of the Nicotine Theological Journal is out and it features essays by some of the PCA’s young guns.  Jason Stellman, Wes White, Lane Keister, and Martin Hedman are thinking through the PCA’s Strategic Plan and what it means for . . . Continue reading →

Complaint By Ruling Elder Gerald Hedman to SJC in the Leithart Case

Complaint To Dr. Roy Taylor, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. And now, this fourteenth day of May, A.D. 2012, comes RE Gerald Hedman and complains against the action of Pacific Northwest Presbytery on April 27, . . . Continue reading →