Risking the Truth

Martin Downes is one of my favorite writers. He writes daily at Against Heresies. Sometime back he did a series of interviews with several theologians/historians. That collection, Risking the Truth, is to appear this March. It features interviews with Mark Dever, Carl Trueman, . . . Continue reading →

Peace (with Evangelicalism) in Our Time

It may be impossible to be a confessionalist Reformed critic of evangelicalism of even its more dubious elements such as Willow Creek (or the mega-church movement generally) and remain a “player” within evangelicalism. Being confessionally Reformed (i.e., in theology, piety, and practice) . . . Continue reading →

In John’s Latitudinarian Garage

I don’t know what’s in your garage, but from time to time mine has become pretty cluttered and stuff has to be pitched. What we keep and what we pitch says something about us. People have theological garages too, in which they . . . Continue reading →

The Crystal Cathedral Isn't What It Used to Be

Christianity Today reports that the Crystal Cathedral is experiencing a serious financial crisis. One is tempted to have a little fun at the cathedral’s expense. The possibilities for possibility thinking here are interesting. What is more interesting, however, is that the congregation . . . Continue reading →

Why Evangelicals Cannot Be Trusted with the Bible

Carolyn Arends wants to give an argument for the benefits of God’s moral law but she lacks the categories by which to do it. Her argument has only two categories good/bad and relationships. The title and subtitle of her essay should alarm . . . Continue reading →

Dare to Be on the Daniel Plan?

‘Dare to Be a Daniel” is one reason to adopt Mr Murray’s view that, in public worship, we should sing only God’s Word (I reached the same conclusion in RRC). Not only is the song itself tacky but its way of interpreting . . . Continue reading →

HB Classic: Holograms, Gnosticism, Celebrity, and Mission

[Originally published March 6, 2010] In view of a recent post by Carl Trueman concerning virtual preachers now seems a good time to republish this HB classic. § Two jarring facts came to my attention in recent days. The first of these is . . . Continue reading →

Ross Douthat On The Virtues Of Confessionalism

For evangelicals, it means thinking more seriously about ecclesiology and what it will take to sustain Christianity across generations. Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade for Christ, and other parachurch groups have been important to evangelicalism. But “parachurch” makes sense over the long term . . . Continue reading →