Why We're Not Emergent (Even Though We Could Be)

This Sunday morning, in the adult catechism class at Oceanside URC, I begin a series on the emerging/-ent church movement. Catechism begins at 10:15 AM and worship begins at 11:00 AM (I’m also preaching the next two Sunday mornings and WSC Jon . . . Continue reading →

Reformed Confessionalism as An Alternative to the FV

I’ve been pushing the Office Hours podcast so aggressively lately I’ve forgotten to Heidelflog  RRC.  The writer of The Writer and the Muse has been reading RRC, however, and hit on something really important. One of the goals of RRC was to . . . Continue reading →

Bog Standard Evangelicalism Circa 1962

I’m cleaning out my office and clearing out a great lot of books One of the volumes I found is Carl F. H. Henry, Basic Christian Doctrines (New York: Holt, Rhinehart, Winston, 1962). Included in this collection of very brief entries are G. . . . Continue reading →