Peace (with Evangelicalism) in Our Time

It may be impossible to be a confessionalist Reformed critic of evangelicalism of even its more dubious elements such as Willow Creek (or the mega-church movement generally) and remain a “player” within evangelicalism. Being confessionally Reformed (i.e., in theology, piety, and practice) . . . Continue reading →

A Question About Redeemer’s Multi-Site Model

In response to a December article in USA Today on multi-site churches, in which Redeemer Presbyterian (NYC) was featured, Tim Keller offered a brief clarification of Redeemer’s version of the multi-site model. As part of that explanation he articulated a premise that . . . Continue reading →

The Scandal of Pagans Leading Worship

Collin Hansen has a fascinating series of interviews on the Gospel Coalition today asking a variety of pastors whether they allow those who make no Christian profession, who regard themselves as non-Christians, non-believers, those we used to call “heathen” or “pagans” to . . . Continue reading →

Problems with the Presidential Prayer Breakfast

Let me be clear: I am not opposed to presidents, prayer, or breakfast. I’m not opposed to praying presidents having breakfast. I’m not opposed to prayer before breakfast. All these are good things. The annual presidential prayer breakfast, however, is more than . . . Continue reading →

Engaging With Keller

Many now regard only one aspect of criticism, that of the expression of disapproval or hostility. There is, however, a second aspect that is equally important: the friendly analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a project. This volume is . . . Continue reading →

On The Limits Of Winsomeness

And I started to recognize another danger to this approach: If we assume that winsomeness will gain a favorable hearing, when Christians consistently receive heated pushback, we will be tempted to think our convictions are the problem. If winsomeness is met with . . . Continue reading →

Homosexuality, Concupiscence, and the PCA

Until recently the doctrine of concupiscence received little attention in Reformed circles. Perhaps it was mentioned in passing during a systematics class in seminary, but until the first Revoice conference in 2018 few knew how to pronounce, much less define concupiscence. Since . . . Continue reading →