Failure to distinguish between the gospel and all the effects of the gospel tends, on the long haul, to replace the good news as to what God has done with a moralism that is finally without the power and the glory of Christ crucified, . . . Continue reading →
Gospel Coalition
The False "Gospel" of Technology
Mike Pohlman gets it right.
The Scandal of Pagans Leading Worship
Collin Hansen has a fascinating series of interviews on the Gospel Coalition today asking a variety of pastors whether they allow those who make no Christian profession, who regard themselves as non-Christians, non-believers, those we used to call “heathen” or “pagans” to . . . Continue reading →
Trans-Confessional Catechism?
The main concern is that TGC comprises folk who do not confess the same understanding of the church and sacraments. Continue reading →
The Problem Of Lent For Confessional Reformed Christians
After all, Protestants don’t have a history of self-inflicted pain to merit spiritual rewards. If as the gospel allies would have it that Lent is to remind us of Christ, then we should also be reminded that nothing we do to attack . . . Continue reading →