For one thing you’ll learn how to pronounce the name of his blog correctly. Iain’s blog is “Creideamh,” It’s not pronounced the way it looks. It’s a trick. For another thing, he likes both RRC and CJPM! Iain also blogs at Ref21.
Iain Campbell
Iain Campbell on the Means of Grace
This is solid, helpful, brief account. I’m not sure we should read Berkhof’s distinction back into the Heidelberg Catechism (nor am I confident that the Westminster Divines meant to distinguish their doctrine of prayer as a means of grace from the HC) . . . Continue reading →
Iain Campbell’s New Book
In the Care of the Good Shepherd. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have implicit faith in Iain.
Iain's Rules for Writing Well
At Ref21. (HT: Durell Flood)
Engaging With Keller
Many now regard only one aspect of criticism, that of the expression of disapproval or hostility. There is, however, a second aspect that is equally important: the friendly analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a project. This volume is . . . Continue reading →