Daniel and the fellows are reading CJPM. You can get your copy from the WSC bookstore by clicking on the image to the left.
and pastoral ministry
Theonomy and Federal Vision: Separated at Birth?
The question comes concerning the relations between Theonomy and the Federal Vision. There is reason to think that there is some connection between the two movements. several well-known theonomists are also proponents of the FV. One of the FV leaders recently described . . . Continue reading →
RPCNA Rejects NPP and FV
HT: Bill Chellis at DRC. 1. That Synod DECLARE that we stand in solidarity with our Reformed and Presbyterian brethren in rejecting as contrary to the Scriptures as summarized by our confessional standards the theological views that are generally associated with the . . . Continue reading →
Answers to Objections to the Imputation of Active Obedience
From CJPM at Creed or Chaos.
The Latest Themelios is Online
Containing, among other things, an essay by Carl Trueman on Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism and a review of CJPM. More information on: Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry. One brief reply to one point in the review.
The NW Presbytery and Peter Leithart (2)
Part 1. For Those Just Tuning In: What Is the Federal Vision? Lane has a follow-up. Jason explains the process and replies to critics who allege bizarrely that well-ordered church discipline is a “witch hunt.” Adam Myer gives a first-hand account of . . . Continue reading →
What is the "Covenant of Redemption" (Pactum Salutis)?
Martin found a nice, brief definition in a musty, old book.
Iain Campbell Interviewed: Blogging in the Name of the Lord
For one thing you’ll learn how to pronounce the name of his blog correctly. Iain’s blog is “Creideamh,” It’s not pronounced the way it looks. It’s a trick. For another thing, he likes both RRC and CJPM! Iain also blogs at Ref21.
Is the Covenant of Works Pelagian?
That’s what some critics say but Nathaniel says they don’t understand either Pelagius or the covenant of works.
Works of the Law as Boundary Markers?
Have I not over-emphasised the social and national dynamic behind Paul’s language and seriously underplayed Paul’s analysis of the radical helplessness of the human situation and his concern for the salvation of the individual?” For my part, I have no desire to . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus on "Final Justification" and "Spirit-Wrought Sanctity"
119 Q. Why the next article, “From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead”? A. As a further encouragement to our faith. Christ sits in heaven at the right hand of the Father and exercises His royal power . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Exposition of the Nine Points (pt 9)-Two Stages of Justification?
Exposition of the Nine Points (pt 9)-A Two Stage Justification?
The Solution to a Great Lot of Problems
Antinomianism and legalism will always be with us. They have plagued the church since the apostolic age (read Galatians and 1 Corinthians). In the seventeenth century, however, appeared a marvelous remedy for both: The Marrow of Modern Divinity. The adjective “modern” is . . . Continue reading →
On Defining Conservatives, Liberals, Latitudinarians, and Good Behavior
Pastor (Teaching Elder) Brian Carpenter has an update about the FV controversy in the Siouxlands Presbytery (PCA). In two PCA presbyteries men are doing the hard work that needs to be done for the sake of the peace and purity of the . . . Continue reading →
Federal Vision Error #8: Denying An Essential Protestant Distinction
Wes White continues his analysis of the Joint Federal Vision Statement from 2007 (content no longer available). The latest post is on their denial of the Protestant distinction between law and gospel. It is a good indicator of the prevailing theological, hermeneutical, . . . Continue reading →
N. T. Wright to Speak at Redeemer NYC (Updated)
UPDATE A PCA Ruling Elder in NYC reviews Wright’s appearance and raises some of the same concerns that I raised about the wisdom of Redeemer inviting NTW to speak at Redeemer NYC. Original Post 25 Mar 2010 He’s appearing under the auspices . . . Continue reading →
In By Grace, Stay in By Faithfulness? (2)
In the first part we quickly introduced the basic doctrine of covenant nomism, namely that God has established a system whereby sinners are admitted to the covenant by grace and they stay in or they retain that status or they retain the . . . Continue reading →