Olevianus, Beza, Perkins, Twisse, The Marrow Men: Lutherans? You decide. Caspar Olevianus (1536-87). For this reason the distinction between law and Gospel is retained. The law does not promise freely, but under the condition that you keep it completely. And if someone . . . Continue reading →
law and gospel
The Marrow On Law And Gospel
Now, the law is a doctrine partly known by nature, teaching us that there is a God, and what God is, and what he requires us to do, binding all reasonable creatures to perfect obedience, both internal and external, promising the favour . . . Continue reading →
Calvin on Law and Gospel
At AH.
Paul Schaefer on William Perkins
Paul is one of the finest scholars I know. He’ also chairman of the Religion Dept. at Grove City College. He’s been my rabbi for years. Thanks to Inwoo for these gems from Paul on Perkins.
For Jesus’ Sake: Hywel Jones’ Message to WSC Grads
We all want members of our congregations to grow in sanctity. The temptation is to turn to the law, which can happen overtly, covertly, and even without awareness. The law is absolutely necessary as the norm of the Christian life but will . . . Continue reading →
Lutherans at the Westminster Assembly?
Shane explains.
Is the Law/Gospel Distinction Only Lutheran?
Lane at Green Baggins has been addressing this. Here’s part 1 and part 2 and part 3. The answer, of course, is no. Here are some resources: There is an entire chapter, chock full O’ quotations from classic Reformed theologians and footnoted references to . . . Continue reading →
The Practical Consequences of the Law/Gospel Distinctionc
Josh explains at Creed or Chaos.
Does "Law" = OT and "Gospel" = NT?
Eliza writes to ask, You say the Bible in the OT says “do” and the NT says “done”. True, but some Puritan said that the false gospel is “do this and live” and the true gospel is “live and do this”. Once we . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus on Law, Gospel, and Justification
At the Reformed Reader. The WSC bookstore has it in the old Rutherford House edition and in the new Reformation Heritage Books edition. The latter is a little less expensive. You can ask the bookstore for either.
How to React to Homosexuals in the Congregation?
The question was raised on the PB how a congregation ought to respond to practicing homosexuals who are visiting a congregation regularly. Here’s a slightly revised version of my initial answer. First, praise God that they are in the congregation where, one trusts, . . . Continue reading →
Brakel on Law and Gospel
Thanks to Shane for this!
Pan-Protestantism on Law and Gospel?
Olevianus, Beza, Perkins, Twisse, The Marrow Men: Lutherans? You decide.
Ursinus on Law and Gospel
Q.36 What distinguishes law and gospel? A: The law contains a covenant of nature begun by God with men in creation, that is, it is a natural sign to men, and it requires of us perfect obedience toward God. It promises eternal . . . Continue reading →
The Marrow of Modern Divinity on Law and Gospel
At James Durham Thesis
Playing Games with the Gospel
My old friend (and former pastor) Iain Duguid sent this to me: Make Your Own Gospel Board Games This was a favorite of mine growing up. My mom would get a large piece of poster board and create a winding path of . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun on Law and Gospel
This volume is worth having and it’s back in print.
Turretin on Law and Gospel and OT/NT
At the Reformed Reader.
Calvin on Law and Gospel
Mike Horton’s essay from EVANGELIUM is now online.
Old School Dutch Reformed On Two Covenants
Shane has it at the Reformed Reader.