My old friend (and former pastor) Iain Duguid sent this to me:
Make Your Own Gospel Board Games
This was a favorite of mine growing up. My mom would get a large piece of poster board and create a winding path of “spaces.” Then, she would cut smaller pieces of poster board and we would use these as cards. We would create our own gospel trivia questions or “what would you do if…” questions and play our “made-up gospel” game. It was great. You can make your own spinner, and dice if you want. Don’t forget to add special spaces like “Didn’t Close Eyes During Prayer, Lose a Turn,” “Forgot to Read Scriptures, Go Back to Start,” “Helped Sister/Brother with Chores, Advance 5 Spaces.”
This paragraph from a commercial website is comically tragic.
It is so first because there is no “gospel” in it. The gospel is the announcement of good news of something done for us. This has nothing to do with the gospel. Second it’s all about the law or that which we should do in obedience to God. Third, this language could be found in many evangelical circles, except it wasn’t found on any “evangelical” website but on a Mormon site,
That Mormons talk about the gospel the way some “evangelicals” do and that this sort of language might easily be found on the lips of some many ostensibly “Reformed” folk do should give us all pause. What hath Geneva or Wittenberg to do with Salt Lake?
It is hip in some circles to mock any distinction between law and gospel as hopelessly old-fashioned, Lutheran, simplistic and even antinomian. Is it really? Doesn’t this little marketing blurb demonstrate not only the cost of refusing to make the distinction but also the necessity of the distinction?
What a great way to teach Roman children the Facientibus. Instead of buying Monopoly houses, you can buy indulgences. Land on the Condign Merit Space and go directly to Start (which doubles as the baptism space where original sin is nullified) and receive $500! Land on the venial sin space and spend two turns in confession.