Just out via Evangelical Press (hardcover): Set outside the life of Israel, the book of Job provides a way, either because they do not ask the big questions about life, or because they are swamped by the fact that there seem to . . . Continue reading →
Hywel Jones
Hywel Jones on Preaching Sola Fide
Audio: Hywel Jones on Ps 119
From last night’s New Student Orientation at WSC
For Jesus’ Sake: Hywel Jones’ Message to WSC Grads
We all want members of our congregations to grow in sanctity. The temptation is to turn to the law, which can happen overtly, covertly, and even without awareness. The law is absolutely necessary as the norm of the Christian life but will . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Hywel Jones on Gen 3:1
Kick Off Calvin’s 500th Birthday Celebration with WSC!
Westminster Seminary California is very happy to begin the year-long birthday bash for our favorite Reformer, John Calvin (1509-1564). We’re doing so with a conference 16-17 January, on the WSC campus, Calvin’s Legacy: Reforming the Church Today.
Audio: Hywel Jones on Gen 2:8-3:6
Hywel Jones on Genesis 3
I hope you’ve subscribed (or by RSS) to the free (!) podcasts from the Westminster Seminary California chapel series. One of the highlights this year has been Hywel Jones‘ series on Genesis 3. To make it even easier to listen to this . . . Continue reading →
A Well-Hammered Nail: Hywel Jones on Ps 119
A skilled carpenter at work is a thing of beauty. The hammer goes where it ought and the nail is struck soundly. In Scripture, wisdom and skill are closely related and they are often regarded as Spirit-given. It is certainly true that . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Hywel Jones on Counseling from Job
Preaching Sola Fide Better
Shane is reading CJPM, at the Reformed Reader and enjoying Hywel Jones’ two chapters, especially his chapter on preaching sola fide.
Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey
It’s been a special day at Westminster Seminary California. Joel Kim and I have been working on a project for the last two years and we’re pleased to be able to announce its publication today: Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. . . . Continue reading →
Always Reformed: The Video
Office Hours: Hywel Jones on Preaching the Doctrine of Regeneration (You Need to Hear This)
Of course I always want you to listen and subscribe to Office Hours but I especially want you (and everyone) to hear this interview with the Rev Dr Hywel Jones on preaching the doctrine of regeneration to Christian congregations. We’re discussing Hywel’s . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Hywel Jones on Hebrews 8
The Christians to which the book of Hebrews was written were struggling with the temptation to leave that which is unseen for that which is seen, to go backwards in the history of redemption to those things that are described as “shadows” . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Hywel Jones On The Spirit Of Sanctification
Sanctification is a necessity. That cannot be denied. It is the clear teaching of Scripture: “be holy as I am holy.” It is clearly taught not only in the Old Testament (Lev 11:44) but also in the New (1Pet 1:15). Nevertheless, it . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Hywel Jones On The Role Of The Holy Spirit In Sanctification
The Holy Spirit has sometimes been described as the forgotten member of the Trinity. Whether that is true it is important to recognize the Spirit’s role in progressive sanctification, that gradual, gracious renewal to the image of Christ. He is the Spirit . . . Continue reading →
Hywel Jones On Psalm 119: An Edifying Resource (For Especially Trying Times)
Hywel Jones is one of God’s gifts to his church. He is a model of piety and grace. He gave devotions every week in chapel for several years during his career at Westminster Seminary in California. One of those series was on . . . Continue reading →
Hywel Jones: Between Resurrection and Ascension: In Lockdown
We look in faith to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus as past events and saving truths but what about his disciples who were living at the time? How did they cope with what occurred? Jesus had told them on more than one occasion that he would die and rise again on the third day, e.g., Matt hew 16:21. The sobering fact is that not one of them seems to have been prepared for either. On Passover night in the upper room, he had told them he was about to leave them but that he would see them again and replace their sorrow with a joy that would remain (John 16:22). When they all left for the Mount of Olives he said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee” (Mk 14:27-28; 50; Jn 16: 32). When he was arrested “they all left him and fled.” Continue reading →
Hywel Jones: The Lamb is the Lamp (Rev 21:23)
Whom will Christians see in Heaven? Will it be God or Jesus? Both answers have been given throughout the history of the Church and they are still to be heard today. But will it be the one and not the other? Or . . . Continue reading →