A skilled carpenter at work is a thing of beauty. The hammer goes where it ought and the nail is struck soundly. In Scripture, wisdom and skill are closely related and they are often regarded as Spirit-given. It is certainly true that wisdom and skill in handling God’s Word is Spirit-given. Hywel Jones‘ latest volume, Psalm 119 for Life, is a place where we see Spirit-given skill at work in handling the Word and that’s fitting as Psalm 119 is a meditation on the Word of God. We live in a noisy age where volume passes for wisdom and sophistry for insight. There’s so much noise and sophistry one fears that the truth might be drowned out. There is, however, a distinctive sound when a carpenter strikes a nail perfectly and that sound cuts through the clutter. As you read this book you will understand what I mean and you will understand God’s Word more deeply. This is a little book (22 brief chapters covering all 176 verses!) but it is not a small book. You will be glad you read it. This work will be excellent for bible studies, as a devotional, for graduates, or for anyone with a desire to understand God’s Word and his way with his people more fully. The volume is available this month from the Bookstore at WSC for $13.71 plus shipping.
YES! That’s definitely my next purchase. Long live HRJ!
My copy arrived today. Really looking forward to digging in!
Dr. Clark,
Can you send me contact information for Dr. Hywel R. Jones to covenantradio@gmail.com. I would like to invite him on Covenant Radio on this book (I am personally studying Psalm 119 at this time).
Thanks for the heads-up on this book. It looks great!