Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to the Father except through Me.” I remember reading these words in John 14 as an unbelieving but religion-curious college student. My conscience was convicted—though I was . . . Continue reading →
Spending, The Crisis, And Idols
In recent years there was a move to focus Reformed and evangelical piety on “the idols of the heart.” Of course, as one of those who agrees entirely with Calvin’s dictum that after the fall the “perpetual disposition” of human beings is . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 25
With this installment we come to the end of the series reviewing and critiquing John MacArthur’s The Gospel According to Jesus. Remarkably, like the Old Testament prophets searching and enquiring “carefully what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 24
Chapters 22 and 23, “The Cost of Discipleship” and “The Lordship of Christ” do not add anything that MacArthur has not already said. Essentially, chapter 22 is a rejection of the Christian life of discipleship as a second blessing.273 It is interesting . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 23
Chapter 21 of MacArthur’s The Gospel According to Jesus is typical of this work. There is much that is true and helpful, there is not a little irony, and there are one or two significant mistakes. Again, as I have said many . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 22
Throughout this series, despite my documented concerns about this volume, I have worked to be scrupulously fair. When MacArthur gets things right, I have given him credit for that; and he gets some things right in chapter 20, “The Way of Salvation.” . . . Continue reading →
Audio: A Palace, A Prince, and A Point
A sermon by R. Scott Clark entitled, “A Palace, a Prince, and a Point” Editor’s Note: This audio was originally published in 2011. RESOURCES Subscribe To The Heidelblog! The Heidelblog Resource Page Heidelmedia Resources The Ecumenical Creeds The Reformed Confessions The Heidelberg . . . Continue reading →
Murray: We Don’t Peek Behind The Curtain
God has mercy on whom he wills and whom he wills he hardens. Some are vessels for wrath, others for mercy. And ultimate destiny is envisioned in destruction and glory. But this differentiation is God’s action and prerogative, not man’s. And, because . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 21
MacArthur is right to observe that too many evangelicals have no place for good works in their account of the faith. The question is not whether there is a “relationship between faith and works,” but rather what that relationship is.216 According to . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 20
The formal question of the Protestant Reformation was that of authority: What is the principal source of authority for the Christian faith and the Christian life? The Roman communion claimed that the church produced the Scriptures and thus the authority of the . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast Q&A: Is Sanctification Synergistic?
Dr Clark answers a question about whether sanctification is monergistic or synergistic. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According to John (MacArthur) Pt 18
This is part 18 in our audio series on The Gospel According to John (MacArthur). Continue reading →
Audio: The Reality Of God’s Love For Sinners: John 3:16
R. Scott Clark speaks on John 3:16 at Westminster Seminary California. Editor’s Note: This audio was originally published by the Westminster Seminary California in 2014. RESOURCES Subscribe To The Heidelblog! The Heidelblog Resource Page Heidelmedia Resources The Ecumenical Creeds The Reformed Confessions . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 19
“Most of the current controversy regarding the gospel hinges on the definitions of a few key words, including repentance, faith, discipleship, and Lord.”186 So writes John MacArthur in his chapter on repentance.187 He notes that our Lord’s preaching of the Kingdom of . . . Continue reading →
Vos: Don’t Give Stones For Bread
In the Judaistic controversy which shook the early church, forces and tendencies were at work deeply rooted in the sinful human heart. In modernized apparel they confront us still to the present day. There are still abroad forms of a Christless Gospel. . . . Continue reading →
Murray: We Don’t Guess The Decree, We Follow The Word
God has mercy on whom he wills and whom he wills he hardens. Some are vessels for wrath, others for mercy. And ultimate destiny is envisioned in destruction and glory. But this differentiation is God’s action and prerogative, not man’s. And, because . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 18
Throughout this series, however it might seem to devoted fans of John MacArthur, I have endeavored to be honest and fair—both of which require me to acknowledge, as I have before, that chapters 14 and 15 are quite edifying. The beginning of . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According to John (MacArthur) Pt 17
This is part 17 in our audio series on The Gospel According to John (MacArthur). Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According to John (MacArthur) Pt 16
This is part 16 in our audio series on The Gospel According to John (MacArthur). Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 17
Dispensationalism is as much a theory of the church as it is of dispensations. Or rather, dispensationalism divides humanity into three distinct groups: Israel, the church, and the nations. The first two are in covenant with God. Israel has the starring role . . . Continue reading →