Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey

UPDATE 6 October 2010 Listen to the audio from yesterday’s presentation of the volume to Bob. Hywel Jones spoke as did Bob. § ORIGINAL POST 5 OCT 2010 It’s been a special day at Westminster Seminary in California. Joel Kim and I . . . Continue reading →

Get Justified!

Our friends at Modern Reformation have had a baby, as it were: Justified: Modern Reformation Essays on Justification. This is a collection of outstanding essays on the doctrine of justification by Mike Horton, R. C. Sproul, Simon Gathercole, David VanDrunen, John Fesko, . . . Continue reading →

Always Reformed Available Again In Hardcopy

The WSC bookstore was closed for the summer but it’s open and selling faculty titles online again. This means that the hardcopy of Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey is once again available via online order. In the interim . . . Continue reading →