By R. C. at Tabletalk online.
Is Everyone Saved?
There is a Modernist creed. It is a short creed but it is highly influential and it is the default view of many Americans who think of themselves as Christians. That creed says 1) Humans are basically good and getting better; 2) . . . Continue reading →
Are We All Really Abraham’s Children?
Something I heard recently led to a tangent not directly related to his excellent, as always, sermon. He’s been preaching through the life of Abraham. Something he said made me think about the claim that is frequently made about the three great . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 29: No Other Name
Jesus is an intentionally troublesome figure. He said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). This was an outrageous claim when it made it and remains so today. . . . Continue reading →