Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey

It’s been a special day at Westminster Seminary California. Joel Kim and I have been working on a project for the last two years and we’re pleased to be able to announce its publication today: Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. . . . Continue reading →

Austin is Reading Always Reformed

Austin writes: “I didn’t know what to expect, but I have to say I love this collection of essays. Diverse, stimulating, very readable, reflective, scholarly, page-turning, and a work that I see as advancing Reformed reflection, not regurgitating.” Read More» UPDATE He’s . . . Continue reading →

Lane is Reading Always Reformed

Lane writes: “In the time of Machen, and even afterward, Reformed folk generally approved of Machen’s fight against liberalism, although even there they were hesitant to adopt the same level of combativeness that Machen had.” Read more»

Pastor Shane is Reading Always Reformed

He writes: “It may never catch on, but I like this kind of language better: ‘The Reformed tradition’ or ‘The Reformed part of Christianity’ (or something along those lines). . Read more» Order your copy of Always Reformed from the Bookstore at WSC . . . Continue reading →

Pastor Dave is Looking for Courageous Calvinism in the PCA

He writes: “I’m not sure that there are many in the PCA with this conviction. We are going with the flow, paddling with the current of broad evangelicalism seeking relevance, influence, and recognition. And sadly, to the extent we pursue those things . . . Continue reading →

Why the “Nones” Are Growing

USA Today has a story on recent Pew Forum survey that shows that 48% of Americans are “Protestant,” 22% Roman, and 20% are slotted under “none,” and 6% under “other” (the greater share of which one guesses is Islam, which is gaining . . . Continue reading →

Baptism, Election, And The Covenant Of Grace Available

After a summer re-model, the seminary bookstore is back online, which makes it again possible to order copies of Baptism, Election, and the Covenant of Grace more easily. Click on the image for your copy. It’s $1.50 plus shipping. You can also . . . Continue reading →

Always Reformed Available Again In Hardcopy

The WSC bookstore was closed for the summer but it’s open and selling faculty titles online again. This means that the hardcopy of Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey is once again available via online order. In the interim . . . Continue reading →

Found: Hardcopies Of Always Reformed

Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey

This volume was published in 2010 in celebration of Bob Godfrey’s sixth-fifth birthday. It is a collection of essays by Reformed scholars on a variety of topics. Contributors: Sinclair Ferguson, D. G. Hart, Richard Muller, Michael Horton, Kim Riddlebarger, R. C. Sproul, . . . Continue reading →