He writes: What is striking about this is his forthright approach to creeds and confessions – there will be no picking and choosing of what one likes or dislikes. There will be no shading of truth. There will be the straightforward and . . . Continue reading →
Courageous Calvinism
More From Pastor Dave on Always Reformed
Pastor Dave Sarafolean has been reading Always Reformed. He writes, “…Godfrey warns about the danger of blindly adding beliefs, practices and insights from other traditions simply because they make sense, are appealing, or may work.” Read more»
Pastor Dave is Looking for Courageous Calvinism in the PCA
He writes: “I’m not sure that there are many in the PCA with this conviction. We are going with the flow, paddling with the current of broad evangelicalism seeking relevance, influence, and recognition. And sadly, to the extent we pursue those things . . . Continue reading →