Audio: Chad Vegas On “The Bride Groom Of Blood”

At a lodging place on the way the LORD met him and sought to put him to death. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it and said, “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me!” So he let him alone. It was then that she said, “A bridegroom of blood,” because of the circumcision (Ex 4:24–26 (ESV). Continue reading →

New: Resources On The Internal/External Distinction In The Covenant Of Grace

Baptism, Election & the Covenant of Grace

When God said to Abraham, “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your children after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your children after you” (Genesis 17:7)  and “As . . . Continue reading →