Jay Adams Has a Blog

He would rather call it a column. (HT: Nick Batzig). If you’re not familiar with Jay, you’ve missed out. I remember where I was when I read Competent to Counsel.  Jay taught at WTS/P and WSC for a number of years. In . . . Continue reading →

Office Hours: Side By Side With Ed Welch

Office Hours

We live in a fallen world. It is broken and dysfunctional. More importantly for us, we are fallen. We are not what we were made to be and we’re not what we shall be. I do not know where you are right . . . Continue reading →

What Does A Pastor Do?

This week I was chatting with someone who curiously asked me: “What does a pastor do?” Unsurprisingly, it’s a question I get from people inside and outside of the church. Sometimes it’s asked with a note of interested inquisitiveness, and other times . . . Continue reading →

Are P&R Churches “Wholly Inadequate” To Investigate Abuse?

Julie Roys reports that, on May 14, 2021, the Central Indiana Presbytery (PCA) approved a committee report recommending that the Presbytery bring charges against a pastor (Teaching Elder).

How The Church Can Address Mental Illness

Mental illness can be difficult to recognize physically. It tends to lay hidden beneath the surface. Many people are ashamed to admit they struggle with a mental illness, and some may not even know they have one. This can be particularly painful . . . Continue reading →