…1. As to doctrinal legalists, we might bewail and refute the legal schemes that take place in the world. I name these two: 1. The Popish Scheme, denying the imputation of Christ’s righteousness. The imputed righteousness of Christ is blasphemed by the . . . Continue reading →
Sola Fide
Rome, Pentecostals, And Credulity
One of the creepier aspects of both Romanist and Pentecostalist piety is their virtually indistinguishable credulity about alleged “miracles.” I use the pejorative adjective intentionally because, at bottom, despite the formal differences between them, both are peddling magic and superstition—and that is . . . Continue reading →
Re-Formation Conference January 17–19, 2025 Jacksonville, FL
Don’t miss the RE-FORMATION Conference, January 17-19, hosted by Paramount Church at the Salem Centre. Featured speakers include Michael Horton, Ashley Null, Jonathan Linebaugh, Dorothea Wendebourg, and R. Scott Clark. The conference is presented by the Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies. Registration . . . Continue reading →
Luther: Bernard Trusted In Christ Alone
Therefore we are fighting today, not against the obvious wickedness and vice of the papacy but against its fictitious saints, who think that they lead an angelic life when they observe not only the commandments of God but also the counsels of . . . Continue reading →
Free E-Book: Beza, Polanus, And Turretin On Justification
For the month of August, 2024, Reformation Heritage Books is giving away copies of the electronic (e-book) version of R. Scott Clark and Casey Carmichael ed. Justification By Faith Alone: Selected Writings From Theodore Beza (1519–1605), Amandus Polanus (1561–1610), and Francis Turretin . . . Continue reading →
Luther: A Christian Is Simultaneously Sinner And Righteous
Thus a Christian man is righteous and a sinner at the same time, holy and profane, an enemy of God and a child of God.* None of the sophists will admit this paradox, because they do not understand the true meaning of . . . Continue reading →
With Kids Talk Church History Podcast On The Reformation Solas
Kids ask the best questions and the Kids Talk Church History podcast is no exception to the rule. In this episode Dr Clark joins Emma, Grace, and Christian to discuss the history and the meaning of the Reformation solas. Here is the episode . . . Continue reading →
Was the Reformation a Big Misunderstanding?
The socially conservative evangelicals do not have a doctrine of a twofold kingdom; nor do they typically distinguish between nature and grace or between the sacred and the secular. Thus the only way they can cooperate with Roman Catholics on social questions is to get them converted and baptized. Continue reading →
Vos: Don’t Give Stones For Bread
In the Judaistic controversy which shook the early church, forces and tendencies were at work deeply rooted in the sinful human heart. In modernized apparel they confront us still to the present day. There are still abroad forms of a Christless Gospel. . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: For Turretin Justification Was Not A Cold, Academic Matter
For Turretin, justification was not a matter of cold, academic speculation. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Beza Defended Justification Through Faith Alone
Beza was a staunch defender of justification through faith alone. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Turretin On The Harmony Of Paul And James On Justification
Francis Turretin on the harmony between Paul and James on justification. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Amandus Polanus On The Free Justification Of The Sinner
Amandus Polanus on the justification of the sinner before God. Continue reading →
Perkins: The Use Of Sola Fide
This doctrine is of great use. First, we learn hence that a man is justified by the mere mercy of God, and that there is excluded from justification all merit of congruity,* all meritorious works of preparation wrought by us, all cooperation . . . Continue reading →
Hot off the press! Beza, Polanus, and Turretin On Justification By Faith Alone
For the first time ever in English, the Classic Reformed Theology Series is proud to present a treatise by Theodore Beza (1519–1605), a section from the Syntagma of Amandus Polanus (1561–610), and an academic disputation by Francis Turretin (1623–1687) on the doctrine of justification. Continue reading →
The Jigsaw Puzzle: Faith Alone And Faith’s Activity
Some people love jigsaw puzzles – they’ll work on them for hours and hours. When you’re doing a puzzle, you need some clues to figure out how the pieces fit together. You’ve got the picture on the box, its colours and shapes. . . . Continue reading →
Getting The Gospel Right: The Heidelcast, The Pactum Podcast, NoCo Radio, And Theocast
This is a special episode of the Heidelcast recorded together with my friends Mike Abendroth, from No Compromise Radio, Pat Abendroth and Mike Grimes from the Pactum Podcast, and Jon Moffit and Justin Perdue of Theocast podcast. We gathered last Friday evening . . . Continue reading →
Embracing The Reformation Doctrine Of Salvation Is Not “Wearying From The Battle”
John MacArthur is the old lion of modified Dispensationalism, which has been a gateway for many into the Reformation, but which has also been an obstacle to the Reformation. State Of The Controversy One way in which that has been true is . . . Continue reading →
Is Faith Irrational?
Some years ago on one of his broadcasts, Bill Maher defined faith as “the purposeful suspension of critical thinking.”1 Similarly, Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson and others have defined faith as “believing something in the absence of evidence.”2 But are these definitions . . . Continue reading →
UPDATED Coming In 2023: Beza, Polanus, and Turretin On Justification By Faith Alone
For the first time ever in English, the Classic Reformed Theology Series is proud to present a treatise by Theodore Beza (1519-1605), a section from the Syntagma of Amandus Polanus (1561-1610), and an academic disputation by Francis Turretin (1623-1687) on the doctrine of justification. Continue reading →