As in the chain of salvation justification follows calling (Romans 8:30) and is everywhere set forth as the primary effect of faith, the topic concerning calling and faith begets the topic concerning justification. This must be handled with the greater care and . . . Continue reading →
What’s Wrong With Reformation Day? (UPDATED)
Each year on this date confessing Protestants remember Martin Luther’s protest against the abuse of indulgences. He followed the academic custom of the day by compiling a list of theses, short statements or claims. Sometimes one would follow from the other but . . . Continue reading →
Heidegger And Turretin Contra Amyraut
Canon IV: Before the creation of the world, God decreed in Christ Jesus our Lord according to his eternal purpose (Eph 3:11), in which, from the mere good pleasure of his own will, without any prevision of the merit of works or . . . Continue reading →
Turretin On Merit In The Covenant Of Works
V. The covenant of nature is that which God the Creator made with innocent man as his creature, concerning the giving of eternal happiness and life under the conditions of perfect and personal obedience. It is called “natural,” not from natural obligation . . . Continue reading →
Heidegger And Turretin: Adam’s Covenant Of Works Fulfilled By Christ
Canon VII: As all his works were known unto God from eternity, (Acts 15:18), so in time, according to his infinite power, wisdom, and goodness, he made man, the glory and end of his works, in his own image, and, therefore, upright, . . . Continue reading →
On The Necessity And Efficacy Of Good Works In Salvation
Introduction There is no question among orthodox, i.e., confessional, Reformed folk whether good works are necessary as a consequence, evidence, and a fruit of justification and sanctification by grace alone, through faith alone. There is no question whether God’s moral law, whether summarized in . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: We Do Good Works Because We Live By The Gospel
XV. Although we acknowledge the necessity of good works against the Epicureans, we do not on this account confound the law and the gospel and interfere with gratuitous justification by faith alone. Good works are required not for living according to the . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Christ Is Our Substitute In Whom Mercy And Justice Meet
XXVII. The grace of God and the merit of Christ are not opposed, but subordinated because they are viewed here in different respects (kat’ allo kai allo): grace in respect of us, both in the giving of the surety and in the . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Amyraut’s Doctrine Of The Atonement Was Not Reformed
VI. Those of our ministers who defend universal grace yield to this opinion, if not entirely yet in a great measure. For as they hold a universal philanthropy (philanthrōpian) and love of God towards the human race, so they think Christ was . . . Continue reading →
Turretin On Covenant And Testament
The covenant of grace partakes both of a testament and of a covenant. Hence it is not improperly called “a covenant by a testament,” “a testamentary covenant” and a “federal testament.” It is a covenant because after the manner of a covenant . . . Continue reading →
Turretin Contra Middle Knowledge
I. Although the knowledge of God is one and simple intrinsically no less than his essence, yet it can be considered in different ways extrinsically as to the objects. But it is commonly distinguished by theologians into the knowledge of simple intelligence . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Leviticus 18:5 Is Clear Proof Of The Covenant Of Works
VII. Second, a law was imposed upon Adam, which necessarily implies a federal agreement and contract. For he who receives it, binds himself officially to obedience under the punishment denounced through the same; he who gives it (for the very reason that . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Who Are The Church Fathers, When Did They Live, and What Authority Do They Have?
Are the writings of the fathers the rule of truth in doctrines of faith and in the interpretation of the Scriptures? We deny against the papists I. Although from the preceding question we are already satisfied that the fathers cannot sit as . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Hypocrites And Reprobates Belong To The Church Only Outwardly
1. The question concerning the parts of the church. Do reprobates also belong to it? II. First it is inquired whether besides those called elect, reprobates and infidels also (whether secret or open) are to be considered as true members of the . . . Continue reading →
Turretin Answers Objections Against Infant Baptism (2)
VI. To no purpose is the reply: (1) “Hence it would follow that the Lord’s Supper should also be administered to infants because the thing signified belongs to them.” Although the same thing is signified in both, still there is a difference . . . Continue reading →
Turretin Answers Objections Against Infant Baptism (3)
VII. (3) By parity, the necessity of baptism is the same as that of circumcision. Now circumcision was to be administered to infants according to the command of God. Therefore also infant baptism. The truth of the major is proved (a) because . . . Continue reading →
Turretin Answers Objections To Infant Baptism (6)
XII. There was no need that a particular precept concerning the baptism of infants should be given because it was known to the disciples that infants were circumcised. It therefore sufficed that there was a general command to baptize all nations, under . . . Continue reading →
Turretin On The Covenant Of Nature (4)
VI. The liberty of Adam was not the liberty of independence (as if he was irresponsible [anypeuthynos] and absolutely his own master) because he ought always to be in subjection (as a creature to his Creator, as a second cause to the . . . Continue reading →
Turretin On The Covenant Of Nature (12)
IV. This double covenant is proposed to us in Scripture: of nature and of grace; of works and of faith; legal and evangelical. The foundation of this distinction rests both on the different relation (σχέσει) of God contracting (who can be considered . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Justification Is The “Principal Rampart” Of The Christian Religion
I. As in the chain of salvation justification follows calling (Rom. 8:30) and is everywhere set forth as the primary effect of faith, the topic concerning calling and faith begets the topic concerning justification. This must be handled with the greater care . . . Continue reading →