What Reformation Day Really Is

Reformation Day as we know it is somewhat arbitrary. There’s little about the 95 Theses is that is distinctively Protestant. There are shadows and hints here and there in the 95 Theses of what would become Luther’s mature views, but for the . . . Continue reading →

The Freedom of the Christian Man (3)

Luther at the Diet of Worms

Part 2. On 18 April 1521 Martin Luther stood before civil and ecclesiastical authorities at the Diet (Riechstag) of Worms. Heiko Oberman translated Luther’s famous speech thus: “Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Holy Scriptures or by evident reason—for I . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Day 2013: A Convict, A Commentator, And A Catechism

The good folk at Escondido URC invited me to speak for their Reformation Day celebration. Since it’s the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (this is the Heidelblog, after all) I spoke on the some of the personalities behind the catechism and . . . Continue reading →

What’s Wrong With Reformation Day? (UPDATED)

Each year on this date confessing Protestants remember Martin Luther’s protest against the abuse of indulgences. He followed the academic custom of the day by compiling a list of theses, short statements or claims. Sometimes one would follow from the other but . . . Continue reading →

Audio: Reformation Day 2014

Thanks to the brothers and sisters at Christ United Reformed Church, Santee, California for doing such a terrific job hosting their first ever Reformation Day conference last Saturday. The audio for the entire conference is available online. Here’s my talk on “By Grace Alone, . . . Continue reading →

Every Sunday Reformation Sunday

We confess sola gratia (by grace alone) and sola fide (through faith alone), as the response to the Romanist doctrine that we are justified and saved by the infusion of a medicinal substance (which they call grace), with which we are said to cooperate unto sanctification and thence, eventually, to justification. No, salvation (deliverance from the wrath to come, righteousness with God, and progressive sanctification) is God’s free gift. Grace is not a medicinal substance with which we are infused. It is God’s favor merited for us by Christ’s perfect righteousness earned for us and freely imputed to us by God. Faith is not a virtue formed by love but the gift of God with which we freely receive, rest in, and trust Christ and all of his righteous and suffering obedience for us. Continue reading →

Reformation Day, The Trinity, And The Culture War

Some objected to the critics of the Federal Vision that the social crisis is too great that to be arguing about the Federal Vision. That objection has resurface in recent days in the wake of a social media post in which a prominent member of the Young, Restless, and Reformed Movement and a Baptist theologian has argued, “The Father is the Father because he sends the Son. The Son is the Son because he submits to the Father’s will. The Spirit is the Spirit because the Father and the Son send Him. There is no Trinity without the order of authority and submission” (emphasis original).  As one might imagine, this line of reasoning has prompted a considerable response. In response to the critics, some have re-stated the same argument made by the Federal Visionists and their enablers in 2008: “Are we really going to start arguing about ESS again? With all the other stuff going on in the world, this is the battle some of you want to fight? Again? I seriously do not understand some of you. Like, at all.” Continue reading →

Reformation Conference At New Life PCA In La Mesa, CA

New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa is hosting their Reformation Conference 2022 on the theme of “The Reformation and the Christian Life”. The conference will use four figures to explore three topics that are not oft-considered outcomes of the 16th century . . . Continue reading →