Reformation2Germany: The Thirty-Year Plan

What do you associate with Germany when you think about it—if you do? What do you associate with our history, specifically as a Christian? The Reformation? Martin Luther, perhaps? Or the Heidelberg Catechism? Surely, with such a history, Germany would be the . . . Continue reading →

Talking About Practice

The simple fact that a Reformed or Presbyterian church or missionary is engaged in the work of missions does not necessarily mean that the work is also being done in a Reformed fashion. With a view from the mission field of Germany . . . Continue reading →

How You Can Help Return The Reformed Faith To Germany

Editor’s Note: The Reformed confession has German roots. Heidelberg, the capitol of the Palatinate was one of the most important centers of the Reformed movement in the sixteenth century. It was the Reformed Church in the Palatinate that gave us our Heidelberg . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Day 2013: A Convict, A Commentator, And A Catechism

The good folk at Escondido URC invited me to speak for their Reformation Day celebration. Since it’s the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (this is the Heidelblog, after all) I spoke on the some of the personalities behind the catechism and . . . Continue reading →

Available Now: A Faith Worth Teaching

New Resource on the Heidelberg Catechism

This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). The HB, of course, is devoted to explaining and applying the catechism and to pointing you to worthy resources to that end. This is one of them. Here’s my jacket blurb: As a . . . Continue reading →

Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology 2013: Our Only Comfort

18-21 July 2013

This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism 1563). The SERK (Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Heidelberg) is hosting a conference, in Heidelberg, this summer. The featured speakers are Joel Beeke, Mike Horton, Lyle Bierma, Victor E. d’Assonville, Jon Payne, Jason Van Vliet, . . . Continue reading →

Prayer Request for Two Reformed Church Plants in Europe

Andrea Ferarri, Pastor of a confessional Reformed congregation in Italy writes to say that Rev Mike Brown, Pastor of Christ United Reformed Church (Santee, CA) will be in Milan later this month to preach and teach. Among his topics, is “The Gospel-Driven . . . Continue reading →

Heidelberg Has a New Pastor (Links Updated)

Congratulations to the Rev Mr Sebastian Heck who was ordained recently to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Selbstandige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Deutschland (Free Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany). Read Jon Payne’s write up here. They also conference recently . . . Continue reading →

A New, Confessional, German Reformed Church is Born!

Sebastian Heck writes, We were able, in God’s providence, to hold the first stated worship service in Heidelberg, Germany – the first Reformed presence and worship service there in roughly 150 years! About 45 people showed for worship at 9 am. For . . . Continue reading →