This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism 1563). The SERK (Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Heidelberg) is hosting a conference, in Heidelberg, this summer.
The featured speakers are Joel Beeke, Mike Horton, Lyle Bierma, Victor E. d’Assonville, Jon Payne, Jason Van Vliet, and Sebastian Heck, who is pastor of the congregation in Heidelberg. Long time readers of the HB will remember that the church plant and subsequent developments have been a matter of interest here for some time.
Here is the logistical information.
Jon Payne and Sebastian Heck have also co-edited a collection of essays on the history and theology of the Heidelberg Catechism, A Faith Worth Teaching, which is forthcoming (March 2013) from Reformation Heritage Books.
Heidelberg is a beautiful place. This looks like a great conference. I hope you’re able to go.
How is that church plant doing?
It’s still there. They need your prayers and support.