§5. The covenant of God with man is different than those made by men among themselves. For men make covenants for mutual benefits; however, God makes covenant for His people. Indeed, the covenant of God is nothing other than the divine declaration of the way of receiving the love of God as well as the union and communion of becoming a partaker in Him. If man makes use of this way he is in the friendship of God, or, the Creator is his own, God is his own in a personal way (Gen. 17:7), and he is one spirit with God (1 Cor. 6:17), who is one with him (John 17:21); his is . . . (the intimate fellowship of God; Ps. 25:14, compared with Job 29:4, John 14:23.) The one who is outside of the covenant is. . . (without God, Eph. 2:12). This declaration, taken from Hebrews 8:6, can rightly be called…(divine legislation sanctioned in the promises), and when it is attached to the application of the Testament or the plan of the future inheritance, (we discuss this application below in §179 and §184). . . (the legislation of the Testament) or. . . (the Testament according to the force of the Covenant and Law) is described.
Johannes Cocceius, Summary of the doctrine concerning the covenant or testament… (1661).
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