Long before there was a Young, Restless, and Reformed movement, there was a movement of young, settled, and confessionally Reformed pastors and theologians in Heidelberg. It began in the late 1550s and continued until 1576 when they were all ejected—for being Reformed. . . . Continue reading →
Reformation conference
Free Reformation Conference In Santee November 1, 2014
It’s Autumn and that means it’s Reformation season in Reformed congregations all across North America. Christ United Reformed Church, Santee, California is holding a free, one-day Reformation conference on Saturday November 1, 2014 featuring Mike Horton on “Scripture Alone” (sola scriptura), Bob . . . Continue reading →
Reformation Conference At New Life PCA In La Mesa, CA
New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa is hosting their Reformation Conference 2022 on the theme of “The Reformation and the Christian Life”. The conference will use four figures to explore three topics that are not oft-considered outcomes of the 16th century . . . Continue reading →