From The Sheboygan Press September 9, 2008 (HT: Paul Ipema) Rev. C. Eric Fennema, beloved husband, father, grandfather, minister of the Gospel, and friend went home to the Lord on Saturday, September 6, 2008 at the age of 58.
United Reformed Churches
URC Church Plant in Portland Metro
They’re in West Linn, OR in the Southeast suburbs of Portland. The pastor is WSC alumnus Dan McManigal.
Ordination in the Snow (Not Quite)
Last Lord’s Day evening I was in the LA metro area for the ordination of WSC grad Ruben Sernas at the Ontario United Reformed Church. It was a lovely evening. Ruben is being called by the congregation to plant a Spanish-speaking congregation . . . Continue reading →
Missional Monday: Kauai Reformation Church and Christ Reformed DC
Two of the more exciting missions of the URCs are on two ends of the USA.
Reformation Italy
The Rev Dr Andrea Ferrari was recently ordained and installed as pastor of the first United Reformed congregation in Milan, Italy. They have a new website and blog. Just as you’ve been praying for the return of the Reformation to Germany please . . . Continue reading →
Beach Responds to Nampa URC
When it comes to the sorts of theological errors that the churches may legitimately subject to official adjudication, one need look no further than the “Form of Subscription”—a document to which every office-bearer in the URC affixes his name and pledges to . . . Continue reading →
Ventura URC Bible Study (UPDATED)
UPDATE Glenda Mathes has an update. Unfortunately, things are a little more uncertain now than they were in late 2009. Brothers and sisters, God is sovereign and can do what he will but in his ordinary providence church planting fraught with difficulty. . . . Continue reading →
What Henk Navis Means to Me
Unlike Father Neuhaus, I guess few readers of this space will know who Henk Navis was, but he died today. Henk did not participate in any famous negotiations with anyone. He did not leave one communion for another. He wasn’t celebrated or . . . Continue reading →
Kloosterman: No Official Version
Since no English version of these confessions has been officially adopted, we are using those found in the 1959 edition of the Psalter Hymnal. —Rev. Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, “On The Level Of Doctrinal Commitment” [In the URCNA] Position 1, (Acts of Synod, . . . Continue reading →
Free Reformation Conference In Santee November 1, 2014
It’s Autumn and that means it’s Reformation season in Reformed congregations all across North America. Christ United Reformed Church, Santee, California is holding a free, one-day Reformation conference on Saturday November 1, 2014 featuring Mike Horton on “Scripture Alone” (sola scriptura), Bob . . . Continue reading →
Bob Godfrey: What’s Going On Right Now? Sex, Race, Politics, And Power (12)—Freud
In this session, Bob Godfrey turns his attention to the effect that Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) had upon the West. Until the early 1970s the psychiatric and psychological establishment recognized homosexuality as a mental illness or a disorder. In the late 1950s, Dr . . . Continue reading →