Congratulations to the Rev Mr Sebastian Heck who was ordained recently to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Selbstandige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Deutschland (Free Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany). Read Jon Payne’s write up here. They also conference recently . . . Continue reading →
Pray for R2G
Sebastian writes: “Greetings in the name of Our Lord and Savior! I am full of joy when I remember you, our brothers and sisters, dear congregations, who faithfully pray for us and support us financially! Knowing of your support and being reassured . . . Continue reading →
Available Now: A Faith Worth Teaching
New Resource on the Heidelberg Catechism
This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). The HB, of course, is devoted to explaining and applying the catechism and to pointing you to worthy resources to that end. This is one of them. Here’s my jacket blurb: As a . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 30: Taking the Reformation Back To Germany
The Reformation is closely identified with what we think of as Germany. The Lutheran Reformation certain originated there and the Reformed Reformation had strong roots there too. Heidelberg was one of the great centers of Reformation theology in the late 16th century. . . . Continue reading →
How You Can Help Return The Reformed Faith To Germany
Editor’s Note: The Reformed confession has German roots. Heidelberg, the capitol of the Palatinate was one of the most important centers of the Reformed movement in the sixteenth century. It was the Reformed Church in the Palatinate that gave us our Heidelberg . . . Continue reading →