The German Reformation Needs Your Help

Sebastian Heck is working toward planting an authentic, confessional Reformed congregation in Heidelberg but he needs your help. It’s coming down to “crunch time” as they say. I’m sure that there are readers of the HB who either can help directly or . . . Continue reading →

A New, Confessional, German Reformed Church is Born!

Sebastian Heck writes, We were able, in God’s providence, to hold the first stated worship service in Heidelberg, Germany – the first Reformed presence and worship service there in roughly 150 years! About 45 people showed for worship at 9 am. For . . . Continue reading →

How You Can Help Return The Reformed Faith To Germany

Editor’s Note: The Reformed confession has German roots. Heidelberg, the capitol of the Palatinate was one of the most important centers of the Reformed movement in the sixteenth century. It was the Reformed Church in the Palatinate that gave us our Heidelberg . . . Continue reading →