Sebastian writes about the ongoing work to plant a confessional Reformed congregation in Heidelberg: First, this coming Lord’s Day, June 7, about sixteen of us will gather in our new office space in downtown Heidelberg. It will be the first official gathering. . . . Continue reading →
Mission Heidelberg
New Reformation2Germany Newsletter Out
It was a joy to meet Sebastian Heck in Geneva and to hear firsthand a bit about how the work is going. They have a small core group, a church order, and offices in which to work but they’re searching for a . . . Continue reading →
More on Reformation2Germany
The White Horse Inn folks interviewed Sebastian yesterday.
A Small Window for a Great Opportunity
If you are a regular reader of the HB you know that, of the many mission projects mentioned here, one that should be close to the heart of the Heidelblog is a project to plant a truly evangelical (in the historic sense . . . Continue reading →