UPDATE 27 MAY 2010 David W. Hall, pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA), Powder Springs, GA offers some “Answers to Questions” about the overture. The overture is now online (PDF). ORIGINAL POST 24 MAY 2010 On April 30, 2010 the Rev Dr . . . Continue reading →
Jon Payne
A Great God and A Great Goal: Reformation2Germany
Related Resources: Check out this interview with Sebastian and Will Traub about the work in Germany.
Heidelberg Has a New Pastor (Links Updated)
Congratulations to the Rev Mr Sebastian Heck who was ordained recently to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Selbstandige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Deutschland (Free Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany). Read Jon Payne’s write up here. They also conference recently . . . Continue reading →
New: Riddlebarger on 1Corinthians
Kim Riddlebarger has a new commentary on 1Corinthians forthcoming in the Lectio Continua series. He’s got the information on the RB. The Lectio Continua series is a new exegetical, Reformed commentary, on Scripture, edited by Jon Payne, pastor of Grace PCA in . . . Continue reading →
Available Now: A Faith Worth Teaching
New Resource on the Heidelberg Catechism
This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). The HB, of course, is devoted to explaining and applying the catechism and to pointing you to worthy resources to that end. This is one of them. Here’s my jacket blurb: As a . . . Continue reading →
Photos From “Our Only Comfort” Conference
Good News From Charleston, SC
Jon Payne, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA), sends word of good news about this church planting work in Charleston. Not all the church news that comes over the transom is good news but this report is encouraging. Jon writes: Christ Church . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The 21st Century Reformed Pastor And Piety
The 21st century Reformed pastor faces many challenges. He represents a minority tradition in North America and in most other places in the world. His church tends to be understaffed and under-funded. Then there is the daunting task of evangelizing his community. . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Jon Payne On The Gospel Reformation Network
The Protestant Reformation was a recovery of the biblical doctrine of salvation by God’s favor (grace) alone (sola gratia), through faith (trusting, resting, and receiving) alone (sola fide), in Christ alone and the Christian life governed by Scripture alone (sola Scriptura) as . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: With Jon Payne On Discipleship And Revoice
Our Lord Jesus called the church to make disciples (Matt 28:18–20) and he even ordained means by which we might become disciples and grow in our discipleship. The Apostles followed this pattern (Acts 2:42; Rom 10:14). Nevertheless, when we think about discipleship . . . Continue reading →
Jon Payne: The PCA Is In Trouble
A growing number of our ministers and churches are conforming to the world’s values, attitudes, and ideals, especially as it concerns homosexuality and the social gospel. The future doesn’t look good for the PCA. Frankly, the future looks pretty bad, and I’m . . . Continue reading →
Recovering The Lost Treasure Of The Second Service
Unfortunately, these days the heart attitude of this dear elderly woman is almost as rare as the evening service itself. Indeed, over the past twenty years the evening service (in a variety of Christian traditions) has either been turned into a kind . . . Continue reading →
Payne: The PCA Already Has A Creed
Creating space for these unbiblical cultural creeds in the PCA will facilitate serious and irreparable damage and division. Therefore, they must be rejected. There is no room for compromise. The Assembly’s voting margins from last week foster hope that the PCA’s future plans do not include tent expansion. We mustn’t make room for Side B and CRT. Continue reading →
PCA Concerned Presbyterians To Meet September 25, 2021 In Greenville, SC
All PCA Teaching and Ruling elders are warmly invited to attend the meeting of concerned Presbyterians. While the Gospel Reformation Network (GRN) meetings, events, and communications continue to be public and transparent, due to space limitations we must restrict the meeting to . . . Continue reading →
Jon Payne: How Can An Ordained Officer Be Above Reproach If He Maintains A Settled, Gay Identity?
The Bible teaches that ordained officers in Christ’s church must be above reproach and Christlike in character.
Payne’s Post Mortem: What The Defeat Of The Overtures Signals For The Future Of The PCA
The PCA Has Moved From Being Broad To Being Progressive
The Book of Church Order (BCO) amendments that many hoped would guard the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) from further infiltration of Revoice/Side B Gay doctrine were officially defeated. Yes, in case you haven’t heard, the amendments are now dead in the . . . Continue reading →
Payne: Stop Listening To Revoice And Start Listening To God’s Voice
Jon Payne calls the PCA to listen to Scriptures as confessed by the churches rather than to the spirit of the age. Continue reading →
The Gospel And “This Insidious Revolution”
The moral revolution has overwhelmed western civilization, and is especially manifested in the LGBTQ+ and critical social justice movements.10 Intersectionality is the new reigning religion in the West, and her prophets, priests, and rulers are seated on the highest thrones of earthly . . . Continue reading →