A Confessional Alternative to the PCA's Strategic Plan From the NW Georgia Presbytery (Updated)

UPDATE 27 MAY 2010 David W. Hall, pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA), Powder Springs, GA offers some “Answers to Questions” about the overture. The overture is now online (PDF). ORIGINAL POST 24 MAY 2010 On April 30, 2010 the Rev Dr . . . Continue reading →

Heidelberg Has a New Pastor (Links Updated)

Congratulations to the Rev Mr Sebastian Heck who was ordained recently to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Selbstandige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Deutschland (Free Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany). Read Jon Payne’s write up here. They also conference recently . . . Continue reading →

New: Riddlebarger on 1Corinthians

Kim Riddlebarger has a new commentary on 1Corinthians forthcoming in the Lectio Continua series. He’s got the information on the RB. The Lectio Continua series is a new exegetical, Reformed commentary, on Scripture, edited by Jon Payne, pastor of Grace PCA in . . . Continue reading →

Available Now: A Faith Worth Teaching

New Resource on the Heidelberg Catechism

This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). The HB, of course, is devoted to explaining and applying the catechism and to pointing you to worthy resources to that end. This is one of them. Here’s my jacket blurb: As a . . . Continue reading →

Good News From Charleston, SC

Jon Payne, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA), sends word of good news about this church planting work in Charleston. Not all the church news that comes over the transom is good news but this report is encouraging. Jon writes: Christ Church . . . Continue reading →

Payne: The PCA Already Has A Creed

Creating space for these unbiblical cultural creeds in the PCA will facilitate serious and irreparable damage and division. Therefore, they must be rejected. There is no room for compromise. The Assembly’s voting margins from last week foster hope that the PCA’s future plans do not include tent expansion. We mustn’t make room for Side B and CRT. Continue reading →