This is the 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). The HB, of course, is devoted to explaining and applying the catechism and to pointing you to worthy resources to that end. This is one of them. Here’s my jacket blurb: As a summary and interpretation of God’s Word composed for and authorized by the Reformed churches, the Heidelberg Catechism has a special place in the life of the churches. We should be thankful for A Faith Worth Teaching, a fine resource that helps us better understand and use the catechism in our time.
Contributors include Lyle Bierma, D. G. Hart, Mike Horton, Bob Godfrey, Joel Beeke, Jon Payne, Sebastian Heck, and others.
This volume is reasonably priced and all the proceeds go toward the support of the SERK (Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Heidelberg). Read more about it here.
My copy is on the way from Reformation Heritage Books. It’s moved to the top of the reading list. The Foreword, the Editor’s Preface, and Chapter 1 are available as a pdf sample at Heritage Books.