Doctrine. Theology For many evangelicals these words are as pleasant as the phrase, “impacted tooth!” That theology is irrelevant to Christian life has essentially become a received dogma. Nevertheless, as much as indifference about Christian truth reigns among evangelicals, to the same . . . Continue reading →
modern reformation
Review: The Story of Christian Theology: By Roger E. Olson
Intervarsity Press, 1999. 652 pp. $34.99
Historical theology is an important part of the process of deciding who we are, what we believe and consequently how we will behave. For confessional Protestants, the past is not absolutely definitive, since all theologies besides God’s revealed word err, but its . . . Continue reading →
New in Print
Examining the Nine Points: Point One, Outlook 58.5 (May 2008): 22-26. The article is not online. This is a link to an overview of the latest issue. Review of Reformed and Always Reforming: The Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology by Roger E. . . . Continue reading →
How Would Jesus Vote (And is that an appropriate question)?
That’s the provocative question asked in a new special issue of Modern Reformation magazine. It’s so new and special that it isn’t on the website yet, but you may call them (800 890 7556) or contact them online for more info. This . . . Continue reading →
The MR Review of the The Shack
Is online but you have to sign up to see the whole thing.
Moderne Reformation Deutschland
That’s right, our beloved MR is being translated into German. Pray for the progress of the gospel in Germany.
Modern Reformation: Sola Scriptura Contra Rome and Enthusiasm
The latest issue of Modern Reformation is out. The focus is on sola Scriptura. They’re always good but it’s an excellent issue. This issue contains essays on the original Protestant understanding of sola Scriptura as distinct from the Anabaptist (and modern evangelical understanding) . . . Continue reading →
Get Justified!
Our friends at Modern Reformation have had a baby, as it were: Justified: Modern Reformation Essays on Justification. This is a collection of outstanding essays on the doctrine of justification by Mike Horton, R. C. Sproul, Simon Gathercole, David VanDrunen, John Fesko, . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Reformation Then And Now With Mike Horton
Because the Reformation began 500 years ago, because the Reformers are larger than life, because we often think of them as heroes, we might forget that they were once young men, college students, who were excited by new books, new ideas, and . . . Continue reading →
The Importance of Being More Than Earnest
Doctrine. Theology. For many evangelicals these words are as pleasant as the phrase, “impacted tooth!” That theology is irrelevant to Christian life has essentially become a received dogma. Nevertheless, as much as indifference about Christian truth reigns among evangelicals, to the same . . . Continue reading →