Available Now: Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant

Thanks to Jay Collier at Joel Beeke and RHB for putting Caspar Olevian back into print.    “This volume is the most comprehensive treatment of Olevian’s theology published to date. Reflecting an impressive breadth of research and depth of analysis, it delivers . . . Continue reading →

Why Analogies And Illustrations Of The Trinity Fail

Michael writes to say that he recently read an article I wrote in 1999 on the Trinity and to ask if I’m willing to consider an analogy for the Trinity. I reply: Honestly, no. All illustrations of the Trinity end up in . . . Continue reading →

Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England

In the Reformation and in the period of Reformed orthodoxy, there was no question whether the Christian faith is true. There were great and important questions debated between the Reformed churches and theologians with the Roman communion, the Lutherans, the Anabaptists, and . . . Continue reading →

The Christian Faith Is Trinitarian

When most people think of the Reformed confession of the Christian faith they probably think about predestination. This is the minimalist definition that is often used. When evangelicals say, “I’m Reformed” what they often mean is, “I’ve adopted the doctrine of election” . . . Continue reading →

One God, Three Persons. Full Stop.

The biblical, catholic, Christian doctrine of the Trinity is startlingly brief: God is one in three persons. Yet, the moment we pronounce that little formula, we’ve stepped off the pavement and into deep waters. To those outside the faith, our claim that . . . Continue reading →

The Road To Unitarianism (2)

This is the second of a two-part series. In part 1 we considered the origins of Unitarianism. The Unitarian faction within the Congregational church continued to grow in the early nineteenth century. The apex of the internal movement was the 1819 “Baltimore . . . Continue reading →

EchoZoe Interview On The Trinity

Each new year Andy Olson does an episode of EchoZoe on an essential Christian doctrine and the doctrine of the Trinity certainly fits. The Athanasian Creed begins with these words: “Whosoever will be saved: before all things it is necessary that he . . . Continue reading →