Natural Law and Light in the Reformed Confessions

One of the more interesting ways in which theonomy is contra confessional is its Barthian-like rejection of the classic Reformed doctrine of natural law and implicitly it’s skepticism regarding natural revelation.

New from Westminster Seminary California- Free iPhone App – Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions

If you’re an iPhone, iPod touch user and interested in the Reformed faith then have we got a gift for you: a free iPhone app from WSC.  This app contains the ecumenical creeds and Reformed confessions. Thanks to app developer James H. . . . Continue reading →

Natural Law and Light in the Reformed Confessions (Updated)

Originally posted Oct 29, 2008. Revised April 4, 2011. In the modern period, particularly in the 20th century, many Reformed folk became uneasy with the traditional Reformed language concerning “natural law.” As one who began to enter the Reformed world circa 1980 . . . Continue reading →

HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions (Three Forms of Unity)

Course Description An introduction to the background, doctrine, and use of the Reformed Confessions. Spring. 2 Credits. The Student Learning Outcome for the Historical Theology Program: The student demonstrates understanding of the main eras of church history, the significant issues, and leaders/theologians of each. . . . Continue reading →

One God, Three Persons. Full Stop.

The biblical, catholic, Christian doctrine of the Trinity is startlingly brief: God is one in three persons. Yet, the moment we pronounce that little formula, we’ve stepped off the pavement and into deep waters. To those outside the faith, our claim that . . . Continue reading →

Recommended: URCNA Forms And Confessions

Along with the new Trinity Psalter-Hymnal (emphasis on the Psalter) produced in cooperation with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the United Reformed Churches in North America have also produced a book of liturgical forms, prayers, and confessions, namely the Three Forms of Unity: the . . . Continue reading →

We Subscribe

The Reformation was above all a doctrinal reform in the life of the church. Throughout the Middle Ages, calls for reform had primarily been concerned with the moral life of the church. The Reformation certainly resulted in profound moral and spiritual renewal . . . Continue reading →

Engaging Confessional Baptists on Covenant Theology (Part 2): Unity of Salvation in the Old and New Testaments

This two-part series engages recent confessional Baptist publications on the nature of covenant theology in order to help Reformed readers understand the Baptistic view better and to have some starting points for responding to it. Part one looked at new developments in . . . Continue reading →