Parents, Choose Your Christian College Carefully

The Religion News Service (RNS) reports, “Whitworth University, a Christian school affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has revised its policies to allow for the hiring of faculty who identify as LGBTQ and to add sexual orientation to its non-discrimination statement.” The . . . Continue reading →

HT501 Introduction to Historical Theology (Fall 2018)

Course Description and Objectives: This course is designed to introduce graduate students to skills, practices and research trends in contemporary historical theology. Over the last fifty years the discipline of intellectual history, a subset of which is historical theology, has been at . . . Continue reading →

How Not To Train Pastors

I see that someone is starting an(other?) online seminary. The whole business of online/distance seminary education is troubling. Because the confessional Reformed churches (i.e., NAPARC) are conservative and theologically oriented, we tend to attract ideologically committed folks. That’s okay but it means . . . Continue reading →

John Owen: Two Short Catechisms

(minor style revisions by R. Scott Clark, March 2006) Wherein the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, are unfolded and explained. To my Loving Neighbors and Christian Friends. Brethren, My heart’s desire and request unto God for you is, that you may . . . Continue reading →

PT730 Studies In Distintives And Issues In The United Reformed Churches In North America (URCNA)

A directed study intended to supplement the existing preparation of URCNA students studying for the pastoral ministry and to focus their preparation for classical examinations. Prerequisite (may be taken simultaneously): HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions. 1 credit (without a term paper) or 2 Credits . . . Continue reading →

HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions (Three Forms of Unity)

Course Description An introduction to the background, doctrine, and use of the Reformed Confessions. Spring. 2 Credits. The Student Learning Outcome for the Historical Theology Program: The student demonstrates understanding of the main eras of church history, the significant issues, and leaders/theologians of each. . . . Continue reading →

Beza’s Summa Totius Christianismi

Theodore Beza Geneva, 1555 trans. William Whittingham (1575) revised by R. Scott Clark (2002). The question of God’s eternal Predestination is not curious, or unprofitable, but of great importance, and very necessary in the Church of God. p. 2 THE FIRST CHAPTER. 1. . . . Continue reading →

A Brief Outline Of Luther’s Bondage Of The Will

© R. S. Clark, 2000; 2014. I Luther’s Critique of Erasmus (2/3) II Luther’s Positive Development of the Doctrine of Predestination from SS (1/3) Major propositions: 1 A fallen sinner is totally unable to cooperate with divine grace. 2 Salvation is exclusively . . . Continue reading →

Select Bibliography Of The Reformation

(rev. January 2006) © R. Scott Clark, 2006. All Rights Reserved. 1. References Bagchi, David and David C. Steinmetz, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Bauman, M., M. Klauber, ed., Historians of the Christian Tradition (Nashville, 1995). Brady, T. A., . . . Continue reading →

CH602 Medieval And Reformation Church

Course Description The first half of the course will study the development of medieval theology, doctrinal controversies, the development of the church, monasticism, mysticism, and the forerunners of the Reformation. The second half will study the theology and practices of the Protestant . . . Continue reading →