In the March and April numbers (58.2 and 58.3) of the Outlook. You can connect with the Reformed Fellowship, who publish the Outlook, online.
United Reformed Churches in North America
The URCNA Has a Website!
The URC has a new website. It’s clean and easy to use. It’s a good place to start to find out about the theology, piety, and practice of the URCNA.
URCNA Missions, Missionaries, and Church Plants
It’s not considered “missional” to speak of “missionaries” but the URCs are old school:
Jon Moersch’s Ordination
WSC graduate and long-time member of Oceanside United Reformed Church, Jonathan Moersch was ordained to Word and sacrament ministry this past Lord’s Day. The Rev Mr Moersch has been called by the congregation to plant a Reformed Church in the South Orange . . . Continue reading →
Congratulations to WSC Grads Lenzner and VanderPol
Congratulations to Mark and Brad (and their patient wives) who sustained rigorous examinations as candidates for the pastoral ministry in Classis Southwest of the United Reformed Churches. Brad and Mark are both interns at Christ URC in Santee, CA. Brad has also . . . Continue reading →
Revisiting the URC Creation Decision
At Bylogos Dr John Byl, Professor of Mathematics at Trinity Western University and Member of the Advisory Board of Reformation International College comments on a joint letter that Kim Riddlebarger, Mike Horton, and I sent to the Christian Renewal in 2001. Dr . . . Continue reading →
A Modest Proposal Renewed
Yesterday I got an email from a confessional Reformed Christian in Germany. It’s a “big deal,” because there aren’t very many Reformed folk left in Germany. His letter was a plea for help. It’s his impression that the confessional Reformed churches in . . . Continue reading →
The URCNA Justification Report Stands
More good news from the floor of the synod of the URCNA. Despite the pre-synod opposition from a few sources (e.g., Nampa, ID) the justification report was not only strengthened by synod but it also passed without audible dissent. Apparently the body . . . Continue reading →
URCNA Church Planting Conference Mar 28-30 2011 (UPDATED)
Info here (HT: Jared Beaird). It’s great to see confessional Reformed folk getting together to talk, pray, and plan church planting. We have a great mission, a great message, great opportunity, and the great God above all God’s. Pray for God’s blessing . . . Continue reading →
Calvin’s Antidote to the Council of Trent on Justification (1547)
The doctrine of man’s Justification would be easily explained, did not the false opinions by which the minds of men are preoccupied, spread darkness over the clear light. The principal cause of obscurity, however, is, that we are with the greatest difficulty . . . Continue reading →
The URCNA Synodical Committee Report on the Federal Vision
The URCNA Report On Justification and the Federal Vison
PT730 Studies In Distintives And Issues In The United Reformed Churches In North America (URCNA)
A directed study intended to supplement the existing preparation of URCNA students studying for the pastoral ministry and to focus their preparation for classical examinations. Prerequisite (may be taken simultaneously): HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions. 1 credit (without a term paper) or 2 Credits . . . Continue reading →
Notes From URCNA Synod Visalia 2014
Reporting from URCNA Synod in Visalia, California. In Reformed church government there are four deliberative bodies that make decisions, a consistory (ruling elders and ministers of a local congregation), a council (ruling elders, ministers, and deacons of a local congregation), classis (a . . . Continue reading →