Is now in print in The Outlook and online here. You can subscribe to the print version here.
Nine Points
New in Print: Examining the Nine Points: Introduction parts and 3
In the March and April numbers (58.2 and 58.3) of the Outlook. You can connect with the Reformed Fellowship, who publish the Outlook, online.
New Audio: Exposition of the Nine Points (Pt 1)
Today, in the Adult Class at OURC I began a series of talks explaining the “Nine Points” of “pastoral advice” adopted by URCNA Synod Schereville in 2007. Here is the first 30 minute talk:
Audio: Exposition of the Nine Points (pt 9)-Two Stages of Justification?
Exposition of the Nine Points (pt 9)-A Two Stage Justification?
The Nine Points Stand!
Thanks to our reporter at synod in London, Ontario we learn that the Nine Points of Pastoral Advice, adopted by Synod 2007, will remain in force. The appeal brought by the consistory of Hills URCNA (on procedural grounds) was rejected. Synod 2007 . . . Continue reading →
Federal Vision Audio
In 2007 the Synod the United Reformed Churches in North America adopted a nine point declaration against the self-described federal vision movement. They described these points as “pastoral advice.” Here’s a written exposition of the Nine Points. These nine talks (below) also explain . . . Continue reading →
The Nine Points Again
In light of the current discussion it seems appropriate to re-post these brief points with some explanatory resources below. We are re-hashing some of the same issues, particularly points 7–9. These points were adopted as “pastoral advice” to the churches by the . . . Continue reading →
Explaining the Nine Points of Synod Schereville
In 2007 the Synod the United Reformed Churches in North America adopted a statement of pastoral advice concerning the self-described “Federal Vision” theology. One of the main matters of business at Synod Schereville was to address an overture brought by Classis Michigan regarding the Federal Vision theology. As part of dealing with that overture Synod took two actions. First it re-affirmed and strengthened the language first adopted at Synod Calgary regarding justification by faith alone (sola fide). Continue reading →