Congratulations to WSC Grad Rich Bishop, PhD

70% of Westminster Seminary California students (numerically 95 of our 135 enrolled students) are in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program and preparing to enter the pastoral ministry. The remaining 30% are in one of three MA programs. One of those MA . . . Continue reading →

WSC Grad Ministers in Turkey

Fikret Böcek is a WSC graduate and he is planting a Reformed congregation in Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey. This is an amazing development and cause for continued prayer and praise. One of the seven letters to the churches (Rev 2:7-11) was directed to . . . Continue reading →

Congratulations to WSC Grads Lenzner and VanderPol

Congratulations to Mark and Brad (and their patient wives) who sustained rigorous examinations as candidates for the pastoral ministry in Classis Southwest of the United Reformed Churches. Brad and Mark are both interns at Christ URC in Santee, CA. Brad has also . . . Continue reading →

Kim Riddlebarger on the History Channel

Congratulations to WSC alumnus and pastor of Christ URC (Anaheim), Kim Riddlebarger. He was watching the history channel talk about the Antichrist and who pops up on the screen but Kim himself!. There aren’t many books on this question. You should get . . . Continue reading →

Meet a WSC Grad: Joel Fick ('03)

Joel D. Fick (M.Div. ’03) is a church planter and pastor at Redemption Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Gainesville, FL. Prior to serving at Redemption OPC he served as an Associate Pastor in the PCA. He and his wife Marianne have been happily married . . . Continue reading →