In the wake of the Counter-Reformation and the increasing spread of the Jesuit missions movement, the King of Denmark, Fredrick IV (1671–1730), responded by launching the first Protestant mission. Franz Julius Lutkens, the chaplain to the king, founded the Danish Royal Mission . . . Continue reading →
History of Reformed Theology
Perkins: Salvation, All Of It, Is By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
As part of my response to the claim that some Reformed orthodox theologians taught that salvation was not only in two stages but also, in some way, through works, I appealed to a quotation from William Perkins. I could have written much . . . Continue reading →
Johannes Althusius (1557–1638): A Brief Introduction To A Pioneering Reformed Social Theorist
Introduction We seem to live in a Malthusian age, i.e., an age of increasing scarcity or perhaps fear of scarcity, where concern over how to divide an economic (and environmental) pie of limited size (called a “zero sum game”) has replaced the . . . Continue reading →
Justified Through Our Faithfulness?
Introduction As I mentioned in an earlier post in Romans 2:13 Paul writes, “For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified” (ESV).1 The chapter begins with . . . Continue reading →
The Logic Of Fruit As Evidence
The Patristic Period One of the earliest concerns of the Christian church, beginning with the apostles and intensifying through the patristic and medieval periods, was that those who profess the Christian faith should live in a way befitting their profession of faith. . . . Continue reading →
Who Are The True Catholics?
Introduction There are truly important works that have simply been forgotten or unjustly ignored. One of those is William Ames’ Fresh Suit Against Human Ceremonies in defense of the Reformed theology and practice of worship. Another is William Perkins’ 1597 treatise, A . . . Continue reading →
Canones Synodi Dordrechtanae
JUDICIUM SYNODI NATIONALIS REFORMATARUM ECCLESIARUM BELGICARUM, Habitæ Dordrechti Anno MDCXVIII. et MDCXIX. Cui Plurimi insignes Theologi Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Magnæ Britanniæ Germaniæ, Galliæ, interfuerunt, de Quinque Doctrinæ Capitibus in Ecclesiis Belgicis Controversis: Promulgatum VI. Maii MDCXIX. PRÆFATIO IN NOMINE DOMINI ET SERVATORIS NOSTRI . . . Continue reading →
The 5 Articles Of Remonstrance (1610)
ARTICLE I. That God, by an eternal, unchangeable purpose in Jesus Christ, his Son, before the foundation of the world, hath determined, out of the fallen, sinful race of men, to save in Christ, for Christ’s sake, and through Christ, those who, . . . Continue reading →
John Owen: Two Short Catechisms
(minor style revisions by R. Scott Clark, March 2006) Wherein the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, are unfolded and explained. To my Loving Neighbors and Christian Friends. Brethren, My heart’s desire and request unto God for you is, that you may . . . Continue reading →
PT730 Studies In Distintives And Issues In The United Reformed Churches In North America (URCNA)
A directed study intended to supplement the existing preparation of URCNA students studying for the pastoral ministry and to focus their preparation for classical examinations. Prerequisite (may be taken simultaneously): HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions. 1 credit (without a term paper) or 2 Credits . . . Continue reading →
HT611 Reformed Scholasticism
Course Description A study of the theology and methods of Reformed orthodoxy from 1561–1725. Special attention will be given to soteriology. Fall. 2 Credits. Course Goals — Academic Goal: To enable the student to understand and discuss intelligently the development of Reformed academic . . . Continue reading →
A Review of the Story of Christian Theology By Roger Olson
A REVIEW OF THE STORY OF CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: TWENTY CENTURIES OF TRADITION AND REFORM, by Roger E. Olson. Intervarsity Press, 1999. 652 pp. $34.99. This review appeared originally in Modern Reformation, July/August 2001 Historical theology is an important part of the process . . . Continue reading →