The explanation is here. Chris Powell gave us the heads up at the PB. One is tempted to say, “that’s what you get for posting a hymnal” but one refrains. The CH is a helpful way to find tunes for this Sunday’s . . . Continue reading →
Genevan Psalter in Spanish!
The Complete Spanish Psalter has now been published and is available for purchase. It has been published by Publicaciones Faro de Gracia and can be purchased online here. It contains the 150 Biblical Psalms, complete and entire, and versified to be sung with . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Struggle Of Sanctification In The Psalms (1)
Of the psalter (the 150 psalms) John Calvin (1509–164) wrote: “The varied and resplendid riches which are contained it this treasury it is no easy matter to express in words; so much so, that I well know that whatever I shall be . . . Continue reading →
Notes From URCNA Synod Visalia 2014
Reporting from URCNA Synod in Visalia, California. In Reformed church government there are four deliberative bodies that make decisions, a consistory (ruling elders and ministers of a local congregation), a council (ruling elders, ministers, and deacons of a local congregation), classis (a . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: We Sing Psalms In Public Worship
It should always be seen to that the song should not be light and frivolous, but that it have weight and majesty, as saith St. Augustine; and also that there is a great difference between the music that is employed for the . . . Continue reading →
Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Instruments In The Latin Bibles
We Reformed folk like to think that what we do now in public worship is what we have always done. This is especially easy to do when we are cut off from or unaware of the original sources and practices of our . . . Continue reading →
The Long Struggle To Reform Dutch Reformed Worship
As we saw several synods in the 16th century and the National Synod of Dordtrecht in 1619 decided that only Datheen’s psalms were allowed in worship. On this ground it has many times been asserted that Calvinists in the Netherlands did sing . . . Continue reading →
New Genevan Psalter (Updated)
The Canadian Reformed Churches have just published the New Genevan Psalter. I purchased a copy. It seems to be well done. There is an interesting, brief introduction by George van Popta, General Editor as well as some brief notes on the Genevan . . . Continue reading →
New: Mini Psalter 2.0
What I find in my mailbox at work is rarely delightful but I was delighted to get the mail today. The good folks at Crown and Covenant sent me a copy of their Mini Psalter 2.0. It’s personalized. It’s well bound. Best . . . Continue reading →
Trueman: The Psalms Are Better For What Ails Us Than Critical Race Theory
Does critical race theory contain some truths? Yes. Neil Shenvi recently pointed this out. Does it offer helpful insights that cannot be better found elsewhere? I have yet to see any. Indeed, I consider the Psalter itself to offer a far better . . . Continue reading →
Saturday Psalm Series: Singing With Good King David—Calvin On The Psalms
But the peculiar gift of man is to sing knowing what he says. Further, the understanding ought to accompany the heart and affections, which cannot be unless we have the song imprinted in our memory, that we may be ever singing it. Continue reading →
When I began to become Reformed (c. 1980–81), the Reformed churches I knew were hymn-singing congregations. Typically, they used the blue Trinity Hymnal (1961), published by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (and later by Great Commission Publications). There are Psalms (for singing and . . . Continue reading →