Thanks to a link by Justin Taylor I read an article by Nancy Morganthaler this morning that is disturbing on so many levels I hardly know where to begin.
Mondays Are For Mission
Okay, I know the “Day of the Week is for…” thing is getting tired but so am I and I couldn’t think of anything more clever. *** I’m working through some of the questions that were submitted to the WSC Missional AND . . . Continue reading →
Idea: Let's Try Every Way But Christ's Way? (or maybe not)
re-post from 29 August 2007 on the old HB. — Thanks to a link by Justin Taylor I read an article by Nancy Morganthaler this morning that is disturbing on so many levels I hardly know where to begin.
Hodge on the Free Offer
At James Durham Thesis.
Julius Kim on Witness
Julius Kim gave a conference at Reformed Presbyterian (PCA) in Bowie, MD, Justin Taylor has the audio links. Julius spoke on the motivation and mandate, to witness, the message of our witness, and the mark of our witness.
A Remarkable Story
Michael is a visitor to our congregation. He has a gift and zeal for boldness in witness. You may remember that, a while back, he was robbed. Well, he had another encounter with one of his robbers.
Was There a Better Way to Handle This Situation?
We only have the testimony of this fellow. We don’t have the testimony of the lesbian supervisor to whom he refers in this video but as I watched this I couldn’t help but think that there must have been a better way . . . Continue reading →
HB Classic: The Program-Driven Church
[This post was first published on the HB in 2009] One link led to another and I happened recently upon the website of a large NAPARC congregation. As I often do I looked to see who the pastor was. That link led me . . . Continue reading →
Strategic, Authentic, and Confessional
Introduction: What Do You Want? I spent an encouraging evening with a enthusiastic group of young people at pastor’s house recently. Over dinner we discussed the challenges of planting Reformed Churches. We agreed that whatever we do we need to be strategic, we . . . Continue reading →
Progress In Cincinnati
Guest post by Zac Wyse, who is a licentiate in the United Reformed Churches. He’s a recent WSC graduate and he’s planting a new congregation in Cincinnati. § We are a new church that belongs to a growing federation called the United . . . Continue reading →
Abounding Grace: Godfrey On Evangelism
Bob Godfrey joined Chris Gordon last week to record two episodes of AGR. Bob is president of Westminster Seminary California and a convert to the Christian faith who came to faith through the ministry of a Reformed congregation. You can read his . . . Continue reading →
Abandoned Churches: From Mission To Museum
For years we drove past this old, abandoned church just north of I-80 near Milford, Nebraska. It was always a lonely vista but it was just one among many. I have often wondered about it, briefly, as we have driven west from . . . Continue reading →
Late Modern Paganism
In Acts 17 Luke tells the story of Paul’s encounter with the Athenian Philosophical Society. Luke mentions two philosophical schools, the Epicureans and the Stoics. The latter were looking for the universal rational principle, for the way to align themselves with the . . . Continue reading →
One Reason Why Unbelievers Don’t Want to Talk to Us
Mark Vander Pol recently pointed us to a wiki page titled, “How to Avoid Uncomfortable Conversations About Religion.” This page is useful on a variety of levels. On the most common level, some people are pests and it offers some good advice for dealing . . . Continue reading →
Must We “Translate” the Gospel?
David Fitch says and assumes, “yes,” but I doubt it. The “missional” movements are not really fundamentally different from the middle-class, pedestrian “church growth” movements of 25 years ago. They all seem to assume that accommodation is something that we do as . . . Continue reading →
Boston: Ministers Are Fishers Of Men
III. Ministers are fishers by office; they are catchers of the souls of men, sent “to open the eyes of the blind, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,” Acts 26:18. Preachers of . . . Continue reading →
Your God Is Too Small (To Reach Millennials)
Chasing coolness won’t work. In my experience, churches that try to be cool end up with a pathetic facsimile of what was cool about 10 years ago. And if you’ve got a congregation of businessmen and soccer moms, donning a hip veneer . . . Continue reading →
Dining With Sinners
And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 86: Why Good Works? (4)
Evangelism properly is what the minister does in the pulpit when he proclaims the gospel to the world but each of us as Christians is a witness or gives witness to the faith (the objective facts of redemptive history and the basic truths of Scripture summarized in the creeds) and to our faith, i.e., to our personal appropriation of Christ by grace alone, through faith alone. Continue reading →
Spiritual Weapons For A Spiritual Battle
The radicalization of the vulnerable is a sobering reality. Guilt, shame, and the longing for lost innocence can make people do the most terrible things—as long as salvation awaits on the other side. Whether it’s drinking Kool-Aid or strapping on a suicide . . . Continue reading →