Guest post by Zac Wyse, who is a licentiate in the United Reformed Churches. He’s a recent WSC graduate and he’s planting a new congregation in Cincinnati. § We are a new church that belongs to a growing federation called the United . . . Continue reading →
Westside Reformed Church
Is Your Church Preparing You For Trials?
There was once a time that we lived “normal” lives. We Americans could have been excused for thinking that life was all about creature comforts. Many of our churches even reflected and encouraged this in their teaching and worship. Living your “best . . . Continue reading →
Tonight In Cincinnati: A Conference On Rearing Christian Children
Where? 3620 Epley Lane, Cincinnati When? Friday, August 27, 6:00-8:00pm The Lord has given Christian parents an awesome opportunity and responsibility to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This means holistic discipleship of their head, . . . Continue reading →