Thanks to a link by Justin Taylor I read an article by Nancy Morganthaler this morning that is disturbing on so many levels I hardly know where to begin.
Shhh…It's a Secret: URC Missions Information
Yesterday Pastor Hyde forwarded The Trumpet, an informal missions newsletter from Cornerstone URC in Hudsonville, MI. If you would like to receive the newsletter, contact:
Mondays Are For Mission
Okay, I know the “Day of the Week is for…” thing is getting tired but so am I and I couldn’t think of anything more clever. *** I’m working through some of the questions that were submitted to the WSC Missional AND . . . Continue reading →
Missional Monday: Should Evangelism Happen Only in the Church?
As I argued at the WSC faculty conference “Missional and Reformed” the Reformed Churches have a sense of “mission.” We haven’t always been faithful to it and the Reformed understanding of the church’s mission is not that of the “missional” movement, especially . . . Continue reading →
New Audio: Practical Advice for Reaching the Lost
…without Losing the Reached. From yesterday’s URC student lunch on campus at Westminster Seminary California. Thanks to Pastor Stephen Donovan at Escondido URC for recording the session.
Wollebius on the Free Offer of the Gospel
Donald John MacLean publishes the James Durham Thesis where he has been surveying the arguments for the free or well-meant offer of the gospel. The latest post is on one of my favorites, Johannes Wollebius.
Antony Flew's "Conversion" to Theism
I’m a little late but somewhere in the welter of links I found this fascinating account of Flew’s relationship with a couple of evangelicals and some young atheists and others.
Idea: Let's Try Every Way But Christ's Way? (or maybe not)
re-post from 29 August 2007 on the old HB. — Thanks to a link by Justin Taylor I read an article by Nancy Morganthaler this morning that is disturbing on so many levels I hardly know where to begin.
Calvin on the Free Offer of the Gospel
At Dan Kok’s Pillar and Ground.
Hodge on the Free Offer
At James Durham Thesis.
Julius Kim on Witness
Julius Kim gave a conference at Reformed Presbyterian (PCA) in Bowie, MD, Justin Taylor has the audio links. Julius spoke on the motivation and mandate, to witness, the message of our witness, and the mark of our witness.
Hyping the Great Commission
In 1995 Bill Bright published a volume on “the coming revival.” It summarized what he had been saying for years. If we would only fast and pray and follow the right methods, a revival would come. In other instances, however, he periodically . . . Continue reading →
John "Rabbi" Duncan on the Free Offer of the Gospel
The Rev. Dr John “Rabbi” Duncan was an outstanding Scottish minister and missionary in the 19th century. Here’s a brief summary of the Reformed doctrine of the free or well-meant offer of the gospel.
Blogging Twin Lakes
The Twin Lakes Fellowship is coming up and there’s a blog to keep track of it (HT: NIck Batzig)
On Comity And Mission
There is a topic that few NAPARC types dare raise: the matter of comity between the churches. Nevertheless, Darryl Hart has done just that. The Oxford American Dictionary defines comity as: 1. courtesy and considerate behavior toward others. 2. an association of . . . Continue reading →
What If "Church Growth" Methods Were Built on a False Premise?
According to this piece by Kevin DeYoung, they are.
Was There a Better Way to Handle This Situation?
We only have the testimony of this fellow. We don’t have the testimony of the lesbian supervisor to whom he refers in this video but as I watched this I couldn’t help but think that there must have been a better way . . . Continue reading →
Machen on Mission
Thanks to WSC student Brenden Link for this bit from Dassie. More reasons we should all be Machen’s Warrior Children.
Exegeting the Culture or Teaching the Faith?
Someone will object, “But why can’t we do both?” Fair question but my growing impression is that those who talk most about “exegeting the culture” seem to spend more time doing that than teaching the faith. This has been an issue with . . . Continue reading →
To the Jew First: Office Hours Talks to David Zadok About Jewish Evangelism
This week Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California alumnus David Zadok about Reformed evangelism in Israel to the Jews. David helps direct Ha Gefen. Here’s the interview. Subscribe to Office Hours in iTunes. Listen to all the episodes. Call Office Hours . . . Continue reading →