Martin reminds us: The year after it was written, a copy of the [Belgic] confession was sent to Philip II, along with a statement that the petitioners were ready to obey the government in all things lawful, but would: offer their backs . . . Continue reading →
Guy de Bres
Guy de Bres Before His Martyrdom
Thanks to Wes for posting this extract from Guy de Bres’ defense of the faith before his martyrdom, at the hands of the Romanists, in 1567. de Bres was the author of the Belgic Confession, which is the confession of faith held . . . Continue reading →
Guy De Bres On Reformed Agreement With The Lutherans
This document is entitled, “Concord between the Doctors of Wittenberg and the Doctors of the Imperial Cities in Greater Germany.” My above-mentioned lord has commanded me to write to you, so that you would think carefully about this — because we want . . . Continue reading →
From A Reformed Martyr To His Wife
The grace and mercy of our good God and heavenly Father, and the love of His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, be with you, my dearly beloved. Catherine Ramon, my dear and beloved wife and sister in our Lord Jesus Christ: your . . . Continue reading →
The Author Of The Belgic Confession On 16th-Century Pentecostalism
There be some who have daily some new command from God, to make known unto their brothers and strangers. Some are rapt into an ecstasy and have their appearance and countenance changed, lying upon the ground certain hours. Some tremble and quake . . . Continue reading →
The Author Of The Belgic Confession On Law And Gospel
As for that which they tax the ministers, to be ministers of the dead letter, one may plainly see the Lord’s taking vengeance upon the outrage offered unto his holy Word; smiting them with the spirit of giddiness, for having despised the . . . Continue reading →
31 May 1567: Guy de Bres Martyred For The Gospel
On this day, in 1567, Guy de Bres (b. 1522) was martyred for the gospel. Guy or Guido de Bres was born in Hainaut, Belgium, which is about 37 miles southwest of Brussels, the fifth child. His family was successful enough in . . . Continue reading →
Video: Who Are The Reformers? Guy De Bres
Heidelminicast: Guy De Bres’ Letter To His Wife Before His Martyrdom For The Gospel
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →