Zwingli and the Reformed Confessions on the Supper

The question came up on the PB whether Zwingli gets a bum rap on the Supper. It’s true that Zwingli has on the receiving end of the stick. This has provoked a reaction, led most recently by W. P. (Peter) Stephens in . . . Continue reading →

The Author of the Belgic Confession on Justification

Wes Bredenhof is surveying Guido (Guy) de Bres’ 1555 reply to Rome, The Staff of the Christian Faith. This is an interesting document as it’s mostly a series of patristic quotations showing how the Reformation agreed with the early fathers—thereby subverting the . . . Continue reading →

Something for the "Missional" Movement to Consider

Wes Bredenhof has a provocative post regarding the influence of Harry Boer (a theologian in the CRC who attacked aspects of the doctrine of predestination as unbiblical) on some contemporary ideas of “mission.” He writes, “In Boer’s view, mission is not so . . . Continue reading →

2013 Faculty Conference-The Whole Armor of God: The Belgic Confession and Heidelberg Catechism for Today

2012 was the 450th anniversary of the Belgic Confession. The Belgic was written by Guy (or Guido) de Bres (1522–67), a French-speaking Reformed from the southern Netherlands who was martyred for the gospel. He modeled the Belgic after the French (Gallic) Confession . . . Continue reading →

2013 Conference Q & A

Whole Armor of God

Here is the Q & A session of this year’s faculty conference. We had some fun while answering questions and clarifying some of the points made in the various talks.