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How do you suppose Luther would respond to PCA Overture 15? Would he view it as one of many “laws” to follow cataloguing every form of sexual sin, or would he view it as being needed for such a time as this? Would he consider the Word to be enough? If so, what are we in the PCA missing?
Luther was a strong opponent of antinomianism. I’ve read that he coined the term.
Ken: I think what the leadership in the PCA is missing is that the people in the pews want is some clear signal that the leadership has the will to deal with the ReVoice/Greg Johnson situation. For four long years they have not gotten it. With Overture 15 they want to, once and for all, get the leadership’s fingerprints on a statement that is much more difficult to nuance than previous overtures. If they are unable to get behind such a clear declaration that self identifying homosexuals are unfit to be considered for ministry then the same may be said of them. This is a watershed moment.