The time warp continues as we flash back to 2010 when the Leithart case was first addressed by the PCA’s Standing Judicial Commission (which acts on behalf of the General Assembly). Back then the SJC erred that Leithart’s presbytery erred in not finding a presumption of guilt, that Leithart’s teaching contradicts the Scriptures as confessed by the PCA. As I mentioned last time, things looked very different in the PCA in 2010. In the 2nd half of the episode we listen to and interact with some audio from James Jordan, a former theonomist, who know identifies himself as a theocrat, and one of the founders of the Federal Vision movement. The remarks were made in Moscow under the auspices of New St Andrews, the College of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, the ecclesiastical home of the Federal Vision movement.
Speaking of which, it was interesting to see that their commencement speaker this year was the Rev Bill De Jong, pastor of Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. That a Canadian Reformed pastor was invited to address NSA seems to support Wes Bredenhof’s analysis of the place of the FV theology in the CanRCs.
Here’s the episode:
Here’s part 1 of this series.
Thanks for listening!
Whoa. Wait a minute. This is big news. A CanRef minister spoke at the commencement for NSA in Moscow, Idaho? Thanks for the heads up.
While I always thought the CRC’s Anglo-Genevan Book of Praise 1971, which is an English translation of the original Reformation era Genevan psalter (along with 61 hymns, to which the CRC seems intent on adding even more) a much better psalter than the United Presbyterian Psalter 1912 which is more commonly used in Reformed churches, the FV trumps all.
Hope this ends up better than it sounds like it will, even if my used copy of the AGBoP has the autograph and stamp of one Rev. Norman Shepherd, Minneapolis, Minn.