Last time we looked at how the Scriptures speak about the Abrahamic covenant in contrast to how they speak about the Mosaic covenant and we saw that the Mosaic covenant had a twofold character. It was both an administration of the covenant of grace and it had a typological legal, temporary character. The Abrahamic covenant was also clothed in types and shadows but, in distinction from Moses, it did not have a legal character. We also saw that circumcision, as a bloody typological, forward-looking, sacrament, that anticipated the righteousness and death of Christ was like animal sacrifices. Both were intentionally temporary and typological. In contrast, to the sacrifices and circumcision, the Abrahamic formula, “I will be a God to you and to your children” was not temporary or typological. My Baptist friends are convinced that the inclusion of children into the visible covenant community by a sacrament was typological and therefore not part of the new covenant. We can test that theory, however, in Scripture. Ask this question: The prophets told us that sacrifices and circumcision were typological and temporary but where do they do tell us that the inclusion of children into the visible covenant community is temporary and typological? We can’t just assume that it does. What do the Scripture actually say about children and the new covenant? In this episode we will begin looking closely at Jeremiah 31:31–33.
Here is the episode:
Here are the episodes in this series.
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