Heidelcast 91: God’s Holy Law (14)—The Tenth Commandment

With this episode we arrive at the 10th commandment: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” In Heidelberg Catechism 113 we treat the 10th commandment as a summary of the whole law because it is. Coveting is all about what you love, what you want, and who you are. In a sense, then, we’re back to where we began since the 1st table is about the intellect, will, and affections. Here’s more on the problem of concupiscence.

Here’s the episode:

Here is the series on the moral law.

Here are all the episodes.

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  1. “nor his manservant nor his maidservant”. It was almost a national sport in Czechoslovakia between the wars to headhunt somebody else’s cook. In my UK childhood we had a wonderful home help who allowed herself to be taken away by someone offering her more – She wasn’t that happy in her new place.
    Actually, what about headhunting in business? No such thing as transfer fees there, it’s not like UK sport. But I suppose, business is business! ???

    • Thanks John for your comment. Never thought of this but it is a good application
      By grace

    • Thanks John – I wondered whether, and if so when it would ever be appropriate to share the odd snippet I got from my late mother. My parents were worthy of far more honour than I gave them during their lifetime.

  2. Excellent! I’ll listen on the commute home.

    Thanks for the show, and for posting it here!

    Grace and peace.

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