Heidelcast 28 With Lane Keister: Does The Federal Vision Theology Lead To Rome?

Thanks to the Wonderful Wizard of Web, who has been cleaning up the HB, we have found an orphaned episode of the Heidelcast from March, 2010. This was part 4 of a series with PCA pastor the Rev. Mr. Lane Keister, who was then shepherding a dual charge in South Dakota. The issue in this episode was whether the Federal Vision theology (in by baptism, stay in by cooperation with grace) is a path to Rome.

Here’s the episode:

Here are the other episodes in this series.

Here are all the episodes of the Heidelcast.

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  1. This was a timely post considering Peter Leithart’s recent piece in First Things calling for Protestants to “pursue reform that will have the effect of making them more like Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.”

  2. The mp3 of this episode was already archived on my PC, as is every Heidelcast episode. I’ll give it another listen!

    • Thanks Frank. The HB is approach its 10th anniversary and it was time for some housekeeping. We’ve tried to clean up the HB archive to make sure that nothing gets lost.

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